Ï Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan announces Turkmenistan's position on peaceful process in Afghanistan

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan announces Turkmenistan's position on peaceful process in Afghanistan

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On March 30, the 9th Ministerial Conference "Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process" was held in Dushanbe. The topic of the current meeting is “Strengthening Consensus for Peace and Development”. In the declaration adopted upon completion of the forum, the participating countries appealed the international community to provide maximum assistance to the peaceful process in Afghanistan.

Addressing conference participants online, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov once again confirmed the firm position of our country in the peaceful settlement of the situation in Afghanistan with the participation of all responsible and constructive parties. It was emphasized that Central Asia and Afghanistan represented a single geopolitical and geo-economic space.

"Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process" is a joint initiative of Afghanistan and Turkey, the first conference of which was held on November 2, 2011 in Istanbul. The Forum provides a platform for political dialogue and regional cooperation to promote stability, peace and prosperity in Afghanistan and the region as a whole. The participants in the Istanbul Process are Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates. According to official data, representatives of at least 50 countries and international organizations took part in the 9th conference.

According to the Afghanistan news agency TOLOnews, President Ashraf Ghani, in his address to the conference participants, presented his country's position in the context of the upcoming UN-sponsored conference in Turkey, scheduled for April.

“Peacemaking is a negotiation process between the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban, aimed at reaching political agreement that will be endorsed by the Loya Jirga, our great assembly,” TOLOnews quoted the Afghan leader.

Ashraf Ghani outlined the stages of building peace in his country, underlining that "this process includes long-term work on national reconciliation, reintegration of combatants and refugees". The President of Afghanistan noted that peace in the IRA was important for the sustainable development of the region, emphasizing that the ongoing violence in the country contradicts to the will of the people.

Addressing conference participants, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon said that the conflicts in Afghanistan over the past four decades had proved that the Afghan problem required diplomatic and political efforts.

Turkmenistan stands for comprehensive cooperation with Afghanistan, considering the involvement of a neighboring country in such large-scale transnational energy and transport projects as TAPI and the Lapis Lazuli Corridor, as a contribution to the peaceful settlement of the situation in Afghanistan, strengthening the foundations of stability and security, and sustainable socio-economic development of the region. Turkmenistan's constructive role in creating conditions, promoting peaceful process in Afghanistan, was highlighted at a recent briefing held by the Embassy of Afghanistan in Turkmenistan.

Dushanbe Declaration underlines the significance of the efforts taken by neighboring countries, regional and international partners in the peaceful process in Afghanistan. The document welcomes the renewed diplomatic efforts by all countries to accelerate the peace process through a meaningful peace negotiation, including the ongoing negotiations in Doha, the Moscow “Troika plus” meeting, and diligent preparations for a high-level meeting in Turkey.

According to the Declaration, any political settlement should ensure the protection of the rights of all the Afghans, full observance of international humanitarian law. Expressing gratitude to the countries that have supported millions of Afghan refugees for four decades, the conference participants called for the creation of favourable conditions in Afghanistan for the voluntary, safe and sustainable repatriation of refugees.

Ogulgozel REJEPOVA