Ï Days of the culture of Turkmenistan has opened in Turkey

Days of the culture of Turkmenistan has opened in Turkey

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Today in the Turkish city of Konya solemn opening of Days of culture of Turkmenistan and a concert of masters of arts of our country has taken place. The Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of culture and tourism of Turkey have acted as organizers of the creative action.
The modern art, folklore, art traditions of our people are represented in the brotherly country by the large creative delegation, consisting of the heads and experts of the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan, well-known national singers and musicians, variety executors, dancing and folklore collectives, theatre actors, museum workers and journalists.
Solemn opening of Days of culture of Turkmenistan has passed with the assistance of heads and representatives of city administration, embassy of Turkmenistan in Turkish Republic, the wide public, creative intelligence, mass media.
Upon completion of an official part a big concert of art masters of Turkmenistan has taken place. Its program consisted of national melodies, works of Turkmen composers and the world musical classics, variety songs and stirring dancing compositions.
Tomorrow within the frameworks of the cultural action in the Museum of Konya city, the opening of an exhibition of museum values and decorative and applied arts of the Turkmen people will take place. In the evening, the performance of the Main drama theatre of Turkmenistan “Dovamat dovam” will be presented on a theatrical scene.
On December 2-3rd, the actions within the frameworks of the Days of culture of Turkmenistan in Turkish Republic will continue in the city of Izmir. The closing ceremony of the creative action and a joint concert of friendship of art masters of the both countries also will take place here.