Ï It was held the opening night of feature film “Roads, leading to happiness”

It was held the opening night of feature film “Roads, leading to happiness”

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In the cinema “Ashgabat”, it was held the premiere of film “Roads, leading to happiness” (“Bagta baryan yollar”). In the center of cinematographic production, there is a short period from the life of young specialist, directed immediately after completion of study at the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications to grandiose by scale and historical by significance the object - the construction of Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway.

The film is based on real events. The skillful use of documentary shots from the recent video chronicle also attaches reality to movie film. During one of his working trips, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov familiarized with works at the construction site of Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway. There, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Railway Transport Hanmammet Atayev reported to him. It was he, who played in the film one of key roles - railwayman Mammet aga.

The film is feature, but sometimes it seems that it is reportage filming, because actual events underlie the plot, and the images of our contemporaries are trustworthy and recognizable.

In one of scenes, the heroes of film are faced with the dilemma of what to do when subsoil water appeared on the site for laying the railway. Experienced people offered the easiest method: to lay railway bypass. But the young specialist Begench managed to prove conclusively that avoiding line is not only cost to the state much more expensive than initially planned, but will result in a significant expenditure of time. And our government always adheres to the principles of reliable and responsible partner.

Heroes of new movie are not the seekers of truth, and its creators. And the film, so realistic and believable, ends with documentary shots, which spread all over the world - the leaders of Turkmenistan, Iran and Kazakhstan solemnly open transnational railway line, which connected the countries and people owing to labor of thousands of such people like the heroes of film “Roads, leading to happiness”.