Ï 2016 was announced in Turkmenistan as the year of heritage

2016 was announced in Turkmenistan as the year of heritage

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Solemn event devoted to the announcement of 2016 as “The Year of respect for heritage, reformation of Motherland” was held in the Mukams’ Palace of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan.

Among participants of the event are the members of government, officials of the departments and institutions of the sphere of culture, famous social figures and representatives of creative intelligentsia, mass media.

Hero of Turkmenistan, People’s Writer of Turkmenistan Gozel Shaguliyeva, Director of the National Institute of Manuscripts Annagurban Ashirov, chief imam of Baharly etrap of Ahal province Gurbangeldi Ayliyev and many other representatives of scientific establishments, institutes, universities, journalists spoke about great and rich cultural heritage, unfading national traditions of ancient Turkmen land. Performances of well-known masters of stage, song and music groups created festive atmosphere.

As is known, at recent joint meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that in next 2016, our state will celebrate widely and solemnly the 25th anniversary of its independence. In dedication to this jubilee date, the residents of Turkmenistan plan to gain significant successes in economics, social sphere, culture and sports. In this connection, it was advanced the proposal to spend 2016 under motto “The Year of respect for heritage, reformation of Motherland”.

Today, national culture got a powerful stimulus for new growth and real flourishing. State policy in this sphere is aimed at all-round spiritual and cultural development of our society, careful attitude to heritage of ancestors, succession from generation to generation of primordial traditions of the Turkmen people, preservation of originality of national customs, native language.

Passing year – the year of neutrality and peace was marked with such event as repeated adoption of the Resolution of UN General Assembly “Permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan”.

In June 2015, in accordance with Decree of the nation leader, it was approved the State Program of collection, research and preservation of the national nonmaterial cultural heritage within 2015-2020. It was also passed the Plan of events on realization of this State Program aimed at maintenance of safety of values of national non-material cultural heritage, their accessibility for future generations.

In the field of careful preservation, all-round study and development of cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, which is not only property of the nation, but also of great value for all humanity, an important significance is attached to the development of wide international cooperation. Within the framework of active humanitarian interaction, Turkmenistan continues ancient traditions of cultural integration of people. In 2015, mission of cultural capital of the Turkic world was successfully executed by Mary city. In the meantime, another Turkmen city – Dashoguz accepts the mission of cultural capital of CIS in 2016. This decision made in October 2015 at the Summit of the heads of CIS countries is another fact, underlining the significance of many centuries-old glorious history of Turkmenistan in the system of cultural interconnection of civilizations during centuries.

Another significant event in the cultural life of the country was the involvement into UNESCO’s Representative List of non-material cultural heritage of humanity of the “Gorogly” epic, which is an example of destan art of the Turkmen people. It took its worthy place among world values alongside with monuments of the State historic-cultural reserves “Ancient Merv”, “Nisa”, “Koneurgench” involved before into the World Heritage List.