Ï Head of the Foreign Ministry of China Wang Yi called Central Asian countries to help the promotion of peaceful settling in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. News portal Afghanistan.ru informs that Wang Yi made this call at the meeting of the foreign mi

China calls Central Asian countries to help in establishment of peace in Afghanistan

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Head of the Foreign Ministry of China Wang Yi called Central Asian countries to help the promotion of peaceful settling in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. News portal Afghanistan.ru informs that Wang Yi made this call at the meeting of the foreign ministers in Central Asia –China format. According to his words, the extraction of foreign military troops from the country has to be carried out on responsible and organized basis to ensure that any no hasty activity could disturb peaceful process in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

The head of the Foreign Ministry of the PRC has noted that peaceful process has to be carried out with participation of Afghan people themselves, highlighting that Kabul has to form up political mechanisms, which guarantee the participation of all ethnic groups and parties in future political life of the country.

According to Chinese side, future administrative structure of Afghanistan has to meet national features of the country but not to copy foreign model.

Provision of peaceful regulation of the situation in Afghanistan is one of priority directions of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. Ashgabat has developed and implements the program of assistance of the neighboring state in 2020 – 2022.in addition, Turkmenistan implements number of major projects with participation of Afghan side for integration of the economy of Afghanistan to the regional and international economy. The construction of transnational Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline is among these projects. 

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