Ï Deputy Head of Cultural and Islamic Orientation Department of Golestan Province in the North of Iran has informed about organization of cultural and educational event to pay tribute to the memory of the great poet and thinker Magtumguly Fragi, - Iranian S

Cultural and educational events to be held at Magtumguly Mausoleum in Iran

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Deputy Head of Cultural and Islamic Orientation Department of Golestan Province in the North of Iran has informed about organization of cultural and educational event to pay tribute to the memory of the great poet and thinker Magtumguly Fragi, - Iranian Shabestan News Agency informs.

Ahmad Golchin has told to the reporter of Shabestan News Agency in Gorgan (Administrative center of Golestan Province) that the event in honor of the birthday of Magtumguly Fragi is planned to be held on Thursday, May 20. The event will take place at the burial place of the great poets and thinkers Magtumguly Fragi and his father Dovletmammed Azadi in Aktokay village in Golestan Province.

Iranian official has added that this year, the number of participants of the ceremony will be limited due to the coronavirus pandemic and the event would be held according to sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

It is expected that the governor as well as the Head of Cultural and Islamic Orientation Department of Golestan Province and other officials will make speeches at the ceremony. Poems of Magtumguly will be read, theatre performance about his life and work will be presented, performance of artists and topical exhibition will be organized under cultural program.

Golchin has added that another event, the conference organized by the Institute of Magtumguly Fragi with support of the General Department of Culture and Islamic Orientation of Golestan Province will be organized on May 19.

It is worth to remind that recently the collection of poems by Magtumguly Fragi, which was translated into Persian language by the group of six writers of Golestan Province, where ethnical Turkmens live predominantly, has been published in Iran.

Janmamed Gulamov