Ï Days of Culture of Iran were opened in Turkmenistan

Days of Culture of Iran were opened in Turkmenistan

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The opening ceremony of the Days of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran was held in Ashgabat. The scale event with participation the representative creative delegation at the head of chairman of the Organization for Culture and Islamic Relations Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkaman was organized by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan jointly with the Cultural Center of the Embassy of IRI in our country.

Annually held Days of Culture initiated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani became a good tradition. Reflecting such enduring values as peace, humanism and good-neighborliness, they act as powerful stimulus for strengthening of interstate relations based on common historical, cultural and spiritual traditions of the two friendly peoples.

Today, these relations distinguishes a qualitatively new level and high dynamics of development in many areas of economic and trade cooperation and humanitarian interaction. One example of this - a huge success and productivity of the Turkmen-Iranian talks at the highest level in the course of the 2015 mutual official visits of the leaders of Turkmenistan and Iran, to give new impetus to the expansion of international relations, including the activation of closer scientific and educational contacts and exchanges in culture and art.

So, every year a representative delegation of our country consisting of well-known poets, artists, and journalists on a pilgrimage to the resting place of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly and his father Dowletmammet Azadi in the village of Aktokay of the Golestan province of Iran.

The current Iranian Culture days in Turkmenistan is an another page in the history of relations between the two nations aspiring to consolidate the ties of friendship and mutual understanding. The solemn opening ceremony of the function took place in the Mukams’ Palace of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan, where the representatives of the creative intelligentsia, wide public, diplomatic missions accredited in Ashgabat, foreign and domestic media and students have taken part.

The delegation from the friendly country was represented by the heads of the of cultural institutions of Tehran and Tabriz cities, the province of North Khorasan, well-known musicians, artists, masters of folk crafts.

Speakers at the ceremony, Chairman of the Organization on culture and islamic relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkaman and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Iran in our country Seyed Mohammad Ahmadi have noted enduring interest to the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen and Iranian peoples. Underlining the importance of events such as scientific conferences, exhibitions and Culture days, directed to develop and enrich the interaction in the humanitarian sphere, the representatives of the Iranian side stressed the importance of announcing in Turkmenistan the 2016 as a Year of honoring the heritage, transformation of Fatherland as evidence of careful attitude of the Turkmen people to the national spiritual-cultural values and traditions.

Then a concert of Iranian masters of arts has taken place on the scenes of the Mukams Palace. The concert’s program included the performances by popular singers of folk music and songs presented magnificent improvisations on themes of the classical destans and lyrical tunes on the eastern poets’ poetry. Talent and skill of artists, folk traditions passed on from generation to generation, found cordial response of the appreciative audience.

Tomorrow, within the frameworks of the Culture days an opening of exhibition of fine and decorative arts of the friendly country will take place at the Exhibition Hall of the State Academy of Fine Arts. Ashgabat residents and capital guests Ashgabat will be acquainted with works of famous Iranian painters, photographers, calligraphers, miniaturists, engravers, carpet makers, wood and stone carvers. Traditionally, the vast exhibition will present small bright pictures of elegant finishing, illustrating the works of classics of Persian poetry, original sculptures, filigree crafts made of wood, ceramics, samples of calligraphy and art of decorating text stamping on metal and painted on enamel, tapestries, national costumes, a variety of souvenirs.

The program of events also includes a demonstration of new films of Iranian directors, which will be held in the "Watan" cinema center. Iranian folk groups will delight the Ashgabat residents and the guests of the capital with bright musical performances and songs at the "Turkmenistan" cinema center. A traditionally held meeting of young talents will turn into a joint concert of children's creative collectives at the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre.

The Culture Days of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be completed on February 4 at the "Turkmenistan" Concert center, which will host the closing ceremony of this function and joint concert of the artists of two friendly states.