Ï Young Turkmen painters showcase their works in Ashgabat

Young Turkmen painters showcase their works in Ashgabat

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The students of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan showcased over 500 works in the exposition hall of the Academy.

The exhibition represents an original report on the rich artistic life of the Academy over the past five years. The exposition demonstrates not only a wide range of artistic search of young painters on their way to become professionals but also a certain level of maturity of higher art schools in the country.

Many of the works presented at the exposition represent open-air landscapes. Such a "production" practice is a necessary and integral part of the educational process at the State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan, it is organized four times a year in different parts of the country, outside, in countryside, historic sites or in modern large buildings.

The Academy builds up relations with foreign specialized institutions. Students of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan take part in such international events as the annual sculpture symposium in Moscow organized by the Russian Academy of Arts. Within its framework, they improve their skills in creative workshops of famous sculptors and then demonstrate the results of their work at the final exhibitions, where Turkmen students got several prizes.

In April 2015, within the framework of the trip to St. Petersburg, young Turkmen artists visited the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Penaty Estate Museum of Ilya Repin and I. Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Students of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan demonstrated their works at the exhibition “Turkmen youth to St. Petersburg”, which was organized by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Society of Turkmen Culture in St. Petersburg “Mekan” in April 2015 at St. Petersburg House of Nationalities. The exhibition was represented by the best works of students of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan depicting nature, life, national traditions and customs of our people, the unique look of modern Turkmenistan.

As a result of the trip to St. Petersburg, young Turkmen artists created paintings that reflect their views of St. Petersburg as a cultural capital of Russia. The authors could not only convey the majestic architecture of the city but also felt its soul.

The main theme of the exhibition in Ashgabat focuses on the idea of creative interpretation of such high concepts as Motherland, deep ‘blood’ connection between a painter and the national historical, cultural and spiritual heritage, the mentality of the people. Young painters not only follow the principles of realism in art but also search for new emotionally-expressed forms of the art of drama.

The works presented at the exhibition vividly illustrate that the contemporary art of Turkmenistan is the art of high ideas, purposefulness, patriotic and civil pathos that demand original, bold, creative vision.

The main specific element of the national art with its susceptibility to the world's artistic discoveries and trends is still local material, Turkmen culture, nature, the way of life. Foreign art critics and artists express sincere admiration with how carefully the original creative traditions of the Turkmen people are preserved and interpreted in the modern society.

Another significant moment is that young people use art not only to express themselves but also to know and understand themselves as carriers of the national culture, its aesthetic uniqueness.

Of course, speaking about the works of young artists the tribute should be paid to their mentors, those who guide and help the youth to reveal and develop their talents. The phenomenon of mentoring in the Turkmen culture is worthy to be studied independently, including in the light of the importance of preserving this tradition in contemporary art.

Today, the teaching staff of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan include the true enthusiasts devoted to their work. They see the continuation of this mission in each gifted student trying to convey not only knowledge and skills but also the life experience and teach them to see the beauty of the world and gift it to the people.