Ï Concert dedicated to the creativity of Danatar Ovezov, 105th anniversary of whom is celebrated this year, has taken place at the Turkmen national conservatory

Concert dedicated to the creativity of Danatar Ovezov, 105th anniversary of whom is celebrated this year, has taken place at the Turkmen national conservatory

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The concert devoted to creativity of Danatar Ovezov, the people’s artist of Turkmenistan, the laureate of the Mahtumkuli State award, established composer and the conductor who is considered as one of founders of the modern Turkmen music has taken place at the Big hall of the Turkmen national conservatory.

Organizers of evening - the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan and pedagogical collective of the state specialized music school named after D.Ovezov at the Turkmen national conservatory.

The concert program included works for chorus, piano, fragments and arias from operas created by D.Ovezov: “Leyli and Mejnun”, “Shasenem and Garib”, “Ayna”, as well as songs, romances and other compositions, with big inspiration executed by students of the oldest in our country musical education institution bearing a name of the great composer. Songs on verses of Mahtumkuli “Baglar hey”, “Forty colours of spring” verse by the poet G.Sejtliev , the play for piano “Sounds of dutar” have sounded, the student's choreographic ensemble which executed “Dance of girls” from “Shasenem and Garib” opera has shown high professionalism.

D.Ovezov's music, whose 105th anniversary is celebrated this year, sounded at evening performed by an orchestra of national tools, chamber and wind orchestras. Performance of young accordionists and gijak players was warmly welcomed by spectators, Shatlyk Gurbanov who performed an aria of Garib has been awarded a storm of applause. People’s artist of Turkmenistan Gulnar Nuryeva, honoured artist of Turkmenistan Babamyrat Rahmedov, Begench Moshyev and Aylar Ovezova have also taken part in a concert.