Ï Turkmen scientists develop high technologies with a view of research and popularization of historic-cultural heritage

Turkmen scientists develop high technologies with a view of research and popularization of historic-cultural heritage

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In Turkmenistan, it was registered more than 7.5 thousand sites of history and culture of different epochs, from them about four thousand, over half from total number, belongs to archaeological heritage. These riches should be accessible for research. Many of monuments are unique. Before a historical science of the country, there is an important task - not only to continue their studying, but also to take measures that ruins of once great architectural complexes, cities, rare engineering constructions outlast more than a century, having remained for descendants. It is also important in preservation of historical site to present it for a review of people.

One more condition of preservation of a heritage of our ancestors is the formation of the emotionally valuable attitude of youth to the world. Institute of history of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, making use of UNESCO’s experience on study of cultural heritage, has developed some educational projects in the field of informing of growing generation about unique values of history and culture of the Turkmen people.

One of them – the creation of an electronic exhibition on the basis of archeological findings of the museum of Institute of history of АSТ. It consists of photos of unique findings of various archaeological expeditions, which give evident representation about development of historical process, riches of cultural heritage of the Turkmen people as well as pictures of ceramic, terracotta, metal products, monuments of architecture of Turkmenistan, including inscribed into UNESCO’s World Heritage List. It is possible to name an exhibition the first step on creation of virtual museum of the Institute of History. It is urged to contain the materials showing various aspects of historical and cultural development in all directions, beginning from paleolith epoch up to present day. The electronic exhibition was prepared in three languages.

Computer technologies create huge possibilities in virtual reconstruction of the historical monuments, which restoration is impossible or demands a lot of time and expenses. For this purpose, in programs “Аutocad” and “3D mаx”, it is created the virtual model for which the base data of objects is necessary. The archeologist, restorer, computer operator, critic and the topographer take part in its work. Virtual reconstruction is useful for tourists in acquaintance with historical monuments. The Institute of History also prepared the electronic book “Khoresm and Gurganch: new discoveries”.

In historical science, the possibilities of modern satellites and digital photo are often used. In 2011, within the framework of the project “Ancient Merv”, the English scientist Timoti David Williams made the aerophotographic research of Soltan-gala carried out on the basis of topographical materials. Researches opened wide opportunities for the analysis and studying of morphology of the city. For studying of vicinities of Soltan-gala, it has been made about 5200 photos. The photographic material showed huge possibilities for detailed and careful studying of reliefs of buildings, streets and channels. Despite distance, sizes of structures, their local differences, features of patterns give the chance to divide them into some groups, according to the photos made: apartment houses, baths, caravanserai, madrasah, mosques, towers, open sites, etc. Received data are contained and used in a computer type within the framework of GIS. They include the photos made by means of the artificial satellite of the Earth, land contours, digital models of a relief, aerophotographic data, special program in a digital form, etc.

The Italian archeologist Barbara Cherazetti carried out a large scope of work on studying of ancient history of Murgap oasis. Within last 12-13 years, being engaged in field works and studying the archives, wile drawing up of an archaeological map of alluvial delta of Murgab, she has collected valuable statistical data, some maps, being kept in state institutions, belonging to climate, fauna and farming of the region, including, since the end of XIX century before the Second World War. After campaigns of Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. Margiana, in particular, the capital city Merv as one of active points of the Great Silk Road developed rapidly and had direct trade relations with China.

The materials received by means of photographing from a long distance over a surface of the Earth gave her the chance to realize thorough research works on existing protective systems of Margiana, since the Iron Age up to the Middle Ages. These researches are actual in respect of popularization of cultural values and spiritually-material heritage of our people.