Ï Exhibition of People’s Artist Kakageldy Gurbangeldiyev was opened at the gallery of the State Academy of Fine Arts

Exhibition of People’s Artist Kakageldy Gurbangeldiyev was opened at the gallery of the State Academy of Fine Arts

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More than 300 works of People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Kakageldy Gurbangeldiyev have been presented in the exhibition center of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan, and all of them – about his fellow villagers. It seems that the author of these productions never left his favorite part on the land, where he was born and grown up...

But it is not so: he graduated the Ashgabat Art School, and as one of the most promising graduates continued his education at the Moscow State Art Institute named after Surikov.

And yet, when Kakageldy approaches to the easel, the city life fades into the background. He closes his eyes and return back to the happy childhood to his friends. These memories are so palpable that he wants to share them with the audience.

The art critics and creative workshop colleagues note that in pictures of the Turkmen master of brush paintings, there is something from Botticelli, Millet, and Courbet. And there is no exaggeration. Indeed, Kakageldy Gurbangeldiyev builds in composition some crowd scenes as once Botticelli did. Like Courbet he awards the female characters with special magnificent trait. And like Millet, painting of Kakageldy confirms the nobility of ordinary people.

All these become possible owing to unique natural talent of Kakageldy to absorb what he likes up to photographic accuracy. “Once, - recalls the artist – the art teacher gave us a homework - to draw the Turkmen ornament. I closed my eyes and painted from memory patterns of felt mat and carpet. “An artist!” - exclaimed my mother, seeing my drawing. And later, at the request of classmates I drew from memory the portraits of Makhtumkuli, Pushkin, Lermontov. It seemed, my future is predetermined - I have to be an artist, though father insisted that I should become a doctor.

But once, I got into the hands dutar and easily started playing the familiar melodies, even I composed something of my own. In front of me, there was a choice, whom I have become: an artist or a musician...

“You do not regret that did not become a musician - once said, examining my pictures People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Bayramov Durdy, - music lives in each of your work.”

People in village are not sitting idle. They harvest, bake bread, dried melon, wove carpets, prepare for holiday ... Looking at the hundreds of pictures presented at the exhibition, it seems that the artist Kurbangeldiyev as a cameraman filmed on tape everything that happens with his fellow villagers and now shows us the fascinating movie called “World of Turkmen village.”

A special role in this “movie” is played by rural kids. Funny, naughty and very nice, they are riding on a donkey, then shave each other's heads, then look for the truth in the fights, then peacefully sunbath on the banks of the river, the more fun to play ...

It is noteworthy that the artist does not write out specific faces of his characters. Probably, he wants to say that a hundred or two hundred years later, and still the children will romp and frolic in the lap of nature, women and men - to work and to celebrate, staid white-bearded elders - give wise advices.

Kakageldy Kurbangeldiyev works in the realistic genre, and yet in his pictures, it is felt some decorative, and sometimes, his painting reminds the book illustrations. But, each of pictorial canvas of the master originated from the poetry of everyday life of great people. As if Kakageldy in his work makes a declaration of love to the villagers, but the important thing is that we, the audience, looking at these beautiful productions, fully share the feelings of the artist.