Ï The program of events «Cultural capital of the CIS 2016» solemnly starts in March, in Dashoguz

The program of events «Cultural capital of the CIS 2016» solemnly starts in March, in Dashoguz

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Dashoguz announced as the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2016, is preparing to welcome numerous delegations, which will arrive in March for the opening ceremony of the program of events under the status delegated to the city by Council of Heads of CIS countries.

Today, Dashoguz - a major administrative center of the northern region of our country, modern renew city, where many industrial enterprises and educational institutions, the Ruhiyet Palace, State Music and Drama Theatre named after Andalib, Museum of History and Local lore, fine library and the Weddings Palace, sports facilities, several beautiful eastern bazaars.

Central Street of Dashoguz is crowned with magnificent fountain complex “Galkynysh”, and the central square is decorated with a monument to the hero of the Turkmen epic Gorogly created by Turkmen sculptor Saragt Babayev, and has already become a symbol of the city. Utilities of the provincial center pay much attention to the gardening.

Our contemporaries hardly imagine that few centuries ago on the site of this settlement was only caravanserai as roadside point for rest on one of the trade routes. More than three hundred years ago, from this, it was started the history of Dashoguz. Over time, in place of the caravanserai built in 1681, it has grown settlement, which became a fortress on the border of the Turkmen land, and only at the beginning of XIX century, the city on the banks of old channel Shavat became the regional center. But at all times, the multinational Dashoguz always was tolerant, and its inhabitants were famous for their hospitality and peacefulness.

Not far from Dashoguz, there is the State Historic-cultural Reserve “Kunyaurgench”, inscribed into UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Kunyaurgench or Gurganch, as it was called in ancient times, was one of the most important cities in the Central Asia at the end of X century. Due to its favorable location on the intersection of routes of the Great Silk Road, in XI century, it became widely known as “the capital of thousands wise men.” In different years, well-known scientists of the East, including the great philosopher and physician Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), and the greatest astronomer of his time lexicographer Abu Rayhan Biruni, and many others lived and worked here. At the turn of ХII-ХIII centuries, powerful state of Koneurgench Turkmen flourished there. Until XIII century, Gurganch remained to be the heart of the East since beginning of the invasion of the Mongols. For resistance extended to the forces of Chingiz Khan, the city was razed to the ground, having destroyed its magnificent buildings. But even today, we can to touch the masterpieces of that period: Tekesh Mausoleum - one of few survived pre-Mongolian buildings.

Freed from the invaders, the city relives the rise, but in XVII century, there was another tragic event: the unpredictable river Amudarya changed its direction, and people moved to more favorable areas. Abandoned town became to die, mercilessly burnt by the sun and approaching hot sands of the desert.

Today, State Historical Reserve stretched on the site of ancient Kunyaurgench on the area of six hundred hectares. Its unique monuments preserved by restorers are of huge interest for tourists and scholars around the world. Among the architectural masterpieces, there are sixty-meter high minaret Kutlug-Timur, which is the highest in Central Asia, as well as the Mausoleum of Il-Arslan, which cubic foundation bears the dodecahedral drum crowned with dome in the form of tent and decorated with terracotta relief, and other monuments of the past. Everyone, who comes to Dashoguz, certainly visit the Reserve to touch the history of the country and see the unique architectural monuments of antiquity.