Ï Spring art exhibition to mark International Women’s Day

Spring art exhibition to mark International Women’s Day

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The spring art exhibition is arranged at the Centre of Public Organisations of Turkmenistan.

The exhibition features the paintings by young artists which are filled with the light of the images of women and the wonderful ceramic works which convey the exquisite grace and beauty of Turkmen women. The exposition presents the rich palette of national decorative and applied arts – carpets and traditional women’s jewellery that arouse admiration.

The exhibits include the unique specimens of national women’s costume of the 19th-early 20th centuries and the musical instruments.

When walking amongst the exhibits, the well-known poetical lines about the beauty of a woman wrote by an outstanding military leader and statesman Bairam Han Turkmen are coming to one’s mind:

Each raindrop is gazing at your beauty,
The tongue of each petal is giving you praise.

On March 8, all humanity is giving praise to a woman as an embodiment of beauty and tenderness, as the custodian of the eternal values, such as a mother’s love and devotion to the family hearth. The exhibition is organized by the Women’s Union of Turkmenistan to mark International Women’s Day.