Ï In National Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan, it was put on the stage a legendary drama of Mustay Karim “Night of eclipse of the Moon”

In National Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan, it was put on the stage a legendary drama of Mustay Karim “Night of eclipse of the Moon”

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Three new performances appeared in repertoire of National Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan. Absolutely different in genres, these stories are developed at various times: an antiquity, later the Middle Ages and our days.

So, performance “Gajrat” was put on the basis of the play of playwright Nobatguly Rejepov written to the motives of the national epos “Gerogly”. It is remarkable that the author was able surprisingly exactly to convey the language of epos why the characters of the play become such expressive and vivid.

The favourite of the people Gerogly was played by the Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan Shirli Mollayev, having endowed the hero with bright charisma and charm. His wife Agajunus, wining by her insight, wisdom and endurance is also a match for Gerogly. Myahri Nuriyeva played this role.

The fairy tale on how Gerogly has returned himself the stolen winged horse has turned out beautiful and convincing. It is the merit of director Handurdy Berdiyev, all actors, art director Mekan Annamuradov, composer Danatar Hydyrov and everyone, who anyhow participated in creation of this scenic production.

Spectators of National Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan very emotionally welcomed a premiere of performance “Akjigit and Zumerret” staged to the motives of the known production of the Bashkir writer and playwright Mustay Karim “Night of eclipse of the Moon”. The play, which action occurs in XVII century, was written in 1963 and became classics of world dramatic art still during lifetime of the author.

Through music, suits, scenography and behavior of characters of tragedy, the creative collective of theatre was able to embody thoroughly the features of the Bashkir life, having underlined philosophy of century-old historical depths.

Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Mamagul Durdiyeva has not played the role of Tankabik, but she has literally lived on a scene. All actors, participating in performance, have played wholeheartedly, using their all efforts and talent.

Production director of performance, the Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan Handurdy Berdiyev has changed the beautiful author's name of production “Night of eclipse of the Moon” on “Akjigit and Zumerret”. “We - for love! - he explains. - Eclipse of the Moon is an astronomical phenomenon, which lasts instants, and the love is eternal and this is an optimistic message of our performance”.

And the third performance – “Wedding”. … There are professions, which do not go in the hour schedule of work, - they are round-the-clock. Profession of the doctor is among them. However, the main hero of performance “Wedding” is in perplexity. Why his beloved spends time at night at work? Why on appointment with him, she by phone is interested in a state of health of other person? In his family, the women never behave so! Man in love starts to be tormented with suspicions...

To this plot several decades ago has turned the playwright Ashir Mamiliyev in his play “Wedding”. Really, the woman as the keeper of home, has big responsibility for the house, the husband, children. Sometimes, she has to combine all this with a favourite profession to which she is betrayed with all the heart. Wherefrom has she to take forces and time that one did not disturb to another?

Today, this problem is also actual like during former times. Therefore, production director Bjulbjul Mamedov and actors of National DramaTtheatre of Turkmenistan named after Alp Arslan have decided to present this story on a scene as if it would occur today. The scenery, reproducing the present architecture of capital, modern music promoted it.