Ï The 8th volume of chronological issue titled “Annals of Great Achievements” appeared in print

The 8th volume of chronological issue titled “Annals of Great Achievements” appeared in print

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The publication starts with introduction title “Assured step of the country toward the peak of progress” with facts and numbers representing the high level of political, economic and social processes in the country in recent years as well progressive policy course led by the Head of the State.

The book tells about the versatile activity of the Turkmen leader. According to official reports of Turkmenistan State News Agency, the new volume features brief information of meetings in Mejlis (Parliament), Cabinet of Ministries, National Security Council and video-selector and other working meetings. The readers can be familiarized with passed laws of Turkmenistan, Degrees, Regulations and Orders of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

In the “Annals of Great Achievements” there are printed materials describing comprehensive projects in fuel and energy, transport and communication complexes, textile industry, chemical, and agricultural sectors of the country.

Readers can be familiarized with reforms in education and science areas, key aspect of which is introduced to teaching and educational processes and research activities using high technologies, and up-to-date methods of the best world experiences.

A special place in the book is given to cultural aspect of the state policy. In particular, it says about the achievements aimed at preservation and development of original national culture ensuring significant influence on enrichment of spiritual life of Turkmen society.

The publication highlights the overview of international cooperation of Turkmenistan, facts of foreign visits of the head of the state, and negotiations at the highest level with the leaders of a number of foreign states due to the “open door” policy with growing authority and role of our country at the international arena.