Ï A festival of the Turkmen national dance kushtdepdi and gazals has taken place in the National tourist zone “Awaza”

A festival of the Turkmen national dance kushtdepdi and gazals has taken place in the National tourist zone “Awaza”

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In an amphitheater on the Caspian coast, the winners of the unique in own way creative review, taking place in February-March in capital and regions of the country have gathered. The right to take part in a bright holiday of folklore traditions and modern national culturewas received by best of the best. These creative collectives have presented the original perusal of ceremonial dance,have become the original card of our countrytoday, an integral attribute of big celebrations.

Ancient written sources, archeological finds testify to ancient origin of kushtdepdi. So, the scenes of incendiary dancing are represented on Parthian rythons.

The ornamental Turkmen carpet, national embroidery, execution art of destans and gazals, kushtdepdi embody originality of the Turkmen national culture - an integral making of world culture of humanity. In this context,indicativeis the inclusion in 2015 of destans executions of the Turkmen epos “”Gorogly” in the UNESCO Representative list of a non-material cultural heritage of humanity.

Being the colorful sample of national creativity, kushtdepdi also has the big prospects of entering into the prestigious UNESCO’s List.

To keep and popularize kushtdepdi as national property, element of a non-material cultural heritage of the Turkmen people is our duty. This purpose is pursued also by present festival in the National Tourist Zone “Avaza”.

The choice of a venue of the creative action - coast of ancient Hazar is not casual also. Balkan province is considered to be the native land of kushtdepdi. Dance was especially popular among the Turkmen, who resided on wide coast of the Caspian Sea. Then it has extended over all territory of Turkmenistan, finding prominent features of performance in various regions of the country.

… Atmosphere of a bright holiday of the national creativity developed in the Amphitheater is maintained with national melodies and songs. The white yurtas placed on sea coast, where it was presented in all variety the crafts, original articles of masters of decorative and applied arts, serve as an ethnographic background of folklore action.

The scenic platform reminds the ship against a sea smooth surface. On screens – “illuminators”, it is demonstrated the shots telling about art of kushtdepdi.

Dance is distinguished by unusual cheerfulness, scope. It begins with melodious tunes - gazals - performed by the young man and girl, doing thus the first smooth movements of dance under rhythmical claps of people around. At the end of each quatrain-gazal they exclaim traditional “hey-ha”, “uh-hu”, “kusht-kusht”, as though setting on each other, and adding dynamics to dance.

As a rule, dancing movements simulate characteristic movements of animals and birds, reflect labor processes (sowing, harvesting, weaving …). During dance, the hands of performers should not contact. In definite cases, in the centre of the dancing people, it is formed original “kernel” in which usually tone to all other is set by the man and woman.

Dimensional movement of performers on a circle also reminds the ordered movement of planets of the solar system, making eternal circles according to the laws of the Universe. And here the circle comes to the end – dancers stop with words “kusht, kusht, kushtdepdi” to welcome new life cycle. Dance is finished with sonorous shout “huv-hak”, all dancers stop and bring hands to the face.

Representatives of Balkan province – folk groups “Аkja yar” and “Durmush yollary” have opened a holiday. As the hosts of creative review, four more groups from seaside land - folk group “Hazar shemaly” from Esenguly etrap, “Dagdan” group of Turkmenbashi Oil Refineries Complex, children's folk group “Hazar owazlary” of the Cultural Center of Hazar city and folk-ethnographic ensemble “Dehistan” widely known in our country take part in the festival.

In picture of Balkan kushtdepdi, it is possible “to read” the surf rhythm, flight of seagulls, flashes of fire at which gathered old and youth, appealing to spirit of fire about the help, protection and purification, movements of the fishermen pulling net from sea depths …. Incendiary, contained traditions of ethnos, “kushtdepdi” has involved the spectators in an enchanting spectacle of joyful emotions.

Then choreographic group “Durdane” from “Derveze” etrap of Ahal province, which reproduced in its incendiary performance the colorful character of national dance, appeared on the stage. According to ethnographers, kushtdepdi, having its history in Ahal province, differs by special lyricism, grace of plasticity. It is less connected with ritual action and considerably belongs to celebratory ceremonies.

Symbol of continuation of traditions was the dance presented by young participants of festival – the ensemble of special art school of Dashoguz province “Bagtiyar yashlar”, who admired spectators with vigorous movements, jumps and dizzy turns.

The folklore group “Oguz nagmalary” of the Center of Culture of Karabekaul etrap of Lebap province has reflected in its performance the expressive plasticity of national dance and its modern lines. Dancing group of Mary Cultural Palace “Altyn asyr” introduced its colors in palette of a creative holiday.

Folklore dancing group “Мирас” of Turkmen State institute of Culture finished the dance-song marathon.

Performance of “Dehistan” group and all participants of creative forum became final number of representation. The powerful energy of the ancient ceremonial dance accompanied with gazals, bright national suits of performers have created unusually emotional show.