Ï Qualifying round of the creative contest on artistic embodiment of beauty of Akhalteke racers has taken place at the Exhibition hall of the State academy of arts

Qualifying round of the creative contest on artistic embodiment of beauty of Akhalteke racers has taken place at the Exhibition hall of the State academy of arts

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From time immemorial, the world admired and admires unsurpassed beauty and grace, swiftness and endurance of Akhalteke racers. Images of legendary "heavenly" horses have inspired the contestants to creation of various fine works, which have made a celebratory exposition. The glorified horses – are not only a subject of national pride of the Turkmen people, but also its invaluable contribution to a treasury of universal values.

The thematic exposition at the Exhibition hall of the SAA has become many-sided demonstration of a great skill of authors, both - eminent, and those who just begin their career. There were presented about 400 works of contestants from all corners of the country. In picturesque cloths, carpet products and panels, being original and highly artistic works of art, there are recreated the best representatives of glorified Akhalteke breed.

Exhibits of impressing exhibition, where protagonists of graphic and decorative-applied arts are incomparable Turkmen horses, are united by infinite sincere love to the graceful racers glorified in centuries. Author works are filled with bright and exciting scenes showing an important role of a national symbol - Akhalteke racer - in life, destiny, and history of the Turkmen people.

The special place among contestants’ works is occupied by jewelry of gold and silver, inlaid with precious and semiprecious stones, intended for decoration of equipment of "heavenly" horses from. The sculptures of racers executed from bronze, plaster and other materials, remarkably supplementing each other, create the uniform composition singing the beauty and grace of racers.

A number of interesting legends are combined, poems of well-known Turkmen poets, many popular songs are devoted to them. A love to these wonderful creations of the nature is boundless and always in heart of the Turkmen.

In extensive showroom a vernisage consisting of bright, memorable photos, telling about centuries-old horse-breeding traditions, development of domestic horse breeding, equestrian sport has stretched.

Domestic designers have enriched present show with creative imagination. One of the works prepared by them, representing an original art composition with chess pieces, including a horse, devoted to forthcoming Aziade-2017. As is known, competitions on chess are included into the program of V Asian indoor and martial arts games.

Conduction of a creative marathon in honour of the "heavenly" racers glorified in centuries, aimed at wide popularization of Akhalteke breed by means of art expressiveness, has acquired a status of kind tradition during last years.

The competition jury, except well-known workers of culture and arts, horse-breeders of our country, included highly skilled foreign experts.

Summarizing of present competition will take place during forthcoming celebrations in honour of the Holiday of the Turkmen racer.