Ï Turkmenistan celebrates the World Heritage Day

Turkmenistan celebrates the World Heritage Day

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This significant date was established in 1983 by the Assembly of The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) founded at the UNESKO with a view to attract public attention to the issues of protection and preservation of the world cultural heritage. Since then, annually on April 18, the UNESCO member countries hold celebrations, conferences, excursions for pupils and students in open-air museums.

At the meetings, which were held in these days in all State Historic-cultural Reserves, it was underlined the role of the President of Turkmenistan in preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, the creation of legal foundation for the successful solution of tasks set before specialists of this sector.

The Law of Turkmenistan “On protection of objects of national historic-cultural heritage” adopted in 2012, as well as approved by the head of state “Order of organization of protected zones of historical, archaeological, city planning, architectural and monumental art monuments, objects of the natural landscape” developed in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On culture” and setting rules and mode of keeping of protected areas, are vivid evidence of this fact. The next important step was the Resolution “On issues of ensuring the protection of immovable historic-cultural monuments of Turkmenistan”, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed on February 19, 2016.

Contributors of the meetings – the workers of the sector spoke about attention, being paid by the head of state to the consistent implementation of measures for deeper study, restoration and promotion of priceless material evidences of ancient culture and construction traditions of the Turkmen people.

The coordination of the activity of different specialists at this and other historical sites is provided by the appropriate department of the Ministry of Culture. On the territory of the country, eight such Nature Reserves are functioning today. They were created in places of accumulation of the most significant archaeological and architectural monuments. Three of them were inscribed in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. These are Ancient Merv (since 1999), Kunyaurgench (since 2005) and the Parthian Fortresses of Nisa (since 2007).

Staff of the Nature Reserves should take care of the state of 1387 historic-cultural sites registered by the state. Most of them are far away in the desert, on the ancient caravan routes or abandoned centuries ago cities. Work continues on identification already unknown and unregistered monuments. It is also made the protective obligations with organizations, which areas have archaeological sites or old buildings.

Every day, hundreds of foreign tourists visit Nature Reserves, and their number increases constantly. Foreign travelers display genuine interest in the country with huge historic- cultural potential.

Not only tourism, but also of great scientific interest are such famous monuments in the foothills of the Kopet Dagh how Anau, Altyn-Depe Depe Yylgynly, Ulug Depe, Ak-Depe, whose age is estimated at several thousand years. No less famous Gonur Depe, Adji-Kui, Togolok Depe and a number of Bronze Age monuments in the old delta of the Murghab River. Parthian Fortresses of Old and New Nisa on the western outskirts of Ashgabat, ancient settlements in Serahsskom oasis on Misrian plateau in the Caspian Sea region, along the coast of the Amu Darya and its Sarykamysh Delta, as well as Uzboi to archaeologists studied for many years, but not all of their secrets revealed and waiting for new generations of researchers.

Не только туристический, но и большой научный интерес представляют такие всемирно известные памятники в предгорьях Копетдага как Анау, Алтын-депе, Йылгынлы-депе, Улуг-депе, Ак-депе, чей возраст исчисляется несколькими тысячелетиями. Не менее знамениты Гонур-депе, Аджи-Куи, Тоголок-депе и еще ряд памятников эпохи бронзы в старой дельте реки Мургаб. Парфянские крепости Старая и Новая Ниса на западной окраине Ашхабада, древние поселения в Серахсском оазисе, на Мисрианском плато в Прикаспии, вдоль побережья Амударьи и в ее Присарыкамышской дельте, а также на Узбое в течение многих лет изучались археологами, но еще не все их тайны раскрыты и ждут новых поколений исследователей.

Today, the employees of Nature Reserves realize a variety of protective measures on the most exposed to degradation of ancient structures. They make restoration materials in accordance with ancient technologies and standards as well as participate in solving the problems of urban development in historic areas and urbanizing cities and centers of etraps.

In general, the works carried out on the monuments of our country can be divided into three areas: the archaeological, restoration and conservation, protective and research. Among them, archaeology is the most famous sphere of activity. Results of work of the archaeologists are often published in scientific and periodical press. Indeed, in Turkmenistan only in the last decade it was made a number of unique archaeological discoveries, which made a significant contribution to the study of the material culture of the Central Asia and wrote new pages in the history of the Ancient East.

Archaeological excavations give the monument a “second life”, and the findings discovered during the investigations will replenish the funds of museums in the country, becoming an invaluable cultural heritage of the people and the world. However, the excavations without proper conservation measures may cause irreparable damage to the monument. This especially belongs to adobe walls identified by the researchers of ancient sites. In recent years, it was done a lot in this direction, and quite encouraging results were yielded.

In particular, it was tested three different variants of preservation of raw designs put forward, taking into account international experience and personal observations of experts. Regarding to the monuments of architecture built from burnt bricks and preserved the primitive forms and decoration, so here, the conservation and restoration works are carried out in strict accordance with scientific principles reflected in the relevant UNESCO Convention. In this year, it is finished the restoration of such famous monuments as Askhabs Mausoleum in Ancient Merv, caravanserai Dayahatyn on the banks of Amu Darya, the ensemble Ismamut-ata in Gorogly etrap and works at other sites are going on.