Ï Poetry of Makhtumkuli in the creativity of children

Poetry of Makhtumkuli in the creativity of children

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Poetry of Makhtumkuli in the creativity of children

An exhibition “Magtymguly, ajap eýýäm gelendir!”, dedicated to the work of the great poet and philosopher Makhtumkuli Fragi, has opened at the Byashim Nurali Children's Art School. Inspired by his poems, students of 3-4 grades prepared thematic works, the best of which were included in the exposition.

Young pupils of the school, specializing in painting, sculpture, jewelry art and carpet weaving, tried to convey their love for their native land and the work of the famous poet-philosopher of the East, a classic of Turkmen literature. In the art compositions exhibited here, the historical past and the bright present of the Turkmen people are intertwined with a thin thread.

- During classes, we often turn to the poetry of the Turkmen classics Zelili, Azadi and others, - says the honored cultural worker, teacher of the Children's Art School named after B.Nurali Lyudmila Ulakina. - The poetry of Makhtumkuli Fragi is especially loved by our pupils. The poetic images praising love for the Motherland and the nature of their native land bring up in children a sense of patriotism and good neighborliness. It has become a good tradition in our school to hold thematic competitions among students. It's nice to see with what enthusiasm and inspiration the guys create their creations.

The exposition organically combines the finest works of zergers, sculptors and students of the carpet department. One of the tapestries on display here, called "Waterfall", attracts attention. A group of students from the carpet department worked on its creation. Complex elements were performed by high school students.

The creations of young jewelers stand out. The finest jewelry on display combines traditional techniques and modern design.

Studying the literary works of Makhtumkuli Fragi, you can travel from modern times to the historical era of the author. His poetry, filled with deep feelings for his native land, is the embodiment of wisdom and honor, finds a response in the heart of everyone.

Larisa Fomina
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