Ï Deputies of Turkmenistan are in the meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

Deputies of Turkmenistan are in the meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

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Deputies of Turkmenistan are in the meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

The representatives of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan took part in the 19th Autumn Meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which was held on 3-4 November in online format.

Within the framework of the meeting the security threats facing the OSCE area today were discussed, as well as the OSCE PA activity and current political issues were overviewed.

The 19th Autumn Meeting of the OSCE was opened with the meeting of Standing Committee, where reported Margareta Cederfelt, the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Roberto Montella, the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

The Parliamentary Conference - “Current Security Challenges: Focus on Afghanistan” took place on 4 November.

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is the international parliamentary structure established in 1990 by the OSCE Paris Summit. This organization promotes the inter-parliamentary dialogue to advance the OSCE's goals of comprehensive security in the OSCE member-states. The head-quarter of the OSCE Assembly is in Copenhagen (Denmark).

The Parliamentary Assembly convenes three times a year: there are annual session, as well as autumn and winter meetings. Agenda of each annual session includes the discussion of reports of three general committees and approval of their resolutions drafts, that serve as guidelines.

Prepared: Ayjahan Ataballyeva