Ï Great Victory one for all: exhibits of the museum exhibition tell about a great feat of the nation in wartime

Great Victory one for all: exhibits of the museum exhibition tell about a great feat of the nation in wartime

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In the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan, an exhibition devoted to 71st anniversary of the Great Victory in 1941-1945 war. In store rooms of the museum there have been stored thousands of unique exhibits, including subjects of military years - awards and medals received for bravery and courage in battles with the enemy, phone – “aerial”, providing communication with commandment, a sword belt, a map-case, military field-binocular, a soldier's blouse of the Turkmen soldier, a marching kettle for meal, letters-cocked hats that have turned yellow from time which were impatiently waited from front-line soldiers in all cities and villages …

But, perhaps, the most important exhibit - a black-and-white photo dated May, 9th, 1945 “The first Victory parade in Ashgabat”. The old picture has embodied general triumph of people from comprehension of the real peace. Here everybody are happy - women, men, old men, children. A victory, which all people waited every hour for intolerable long four years, made happy all the country. Another black-and-white photo of military years acquaints with veterans of the 87th separate Turkmen shooting brigade of 76th infantry Elminsk-Warsaw of the Red Flag orden of the Suvorov division.

The separate exposition is devoted the Turkmen soldiers, who have taken part in heroic defense by Stalingrad. Among them A.F.Smirnov, H.B.Kulbatyrov, Z.Ahundova, Major General Ya.Kuliev, the Hero of the Soviet Union Pena Rejepov, B.Dovletjanov, R.Berdyev.

Turkmen soldiers who have become pride of the nation, for a perfect feat in fight with enemies, are awarded the highest award - ranks of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them: Annaklych Atayev, Annabad Atayeva, Oraz Annayev, Orazberdy Hekimov, Aydogdy Tahirov, Allaberdy Agaliyev, Kurban Durdy …

Separate exposition is devoted to the front way of the grandfather of our President - Berdimuhamedov Annayev. He had the most peaceful trade in the world - a teacher, but when a terrible hour has broken down, he has put aside diaries and writing-books and took weapon in hands. And we are proud of that the Turkmen soldiers have made a worthy contribution to great Victory. We will always be grateful to them for this.

Turkmen women also have not stood aside from the contribution to a victory. The poster “All for front, all for a victory!” tells about an unprecedented feat of the Turkmen women, who have voluntarily handed over in defense fund of the country the tons of silver ornaments, inherited by right of succession from mothers and grandmothers.

Let peace and happiness prosper on our land. Expensive price was paid for this by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and we should be worth their memories, especially memories of those, who has not returned from battlefield.