Ï Minsk hosts exhibition of arts and crafts and museum values of our country

Minsk hosts exhibition of arts and crafts and museum values of our country

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Days of Culture of Turkmenistan went on by exhibition, which was held at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. The attendees of the exhibition were art lovers, many residents of the Belarusian capital, museum workers, scientists and workers of artistic circles, representatives of Belarusian mass media.

At the opening ceremony, the General Director of the National Art Museum of Belarus, Vladimir Prokoptsov sincerely regretted that the Turkmen exposition would work only for two days, but not for two or three months. However, he stated that it was just the beginning. In the course of meetings with his counterparts from Turkmenistan it was reached an agreement on new contacts, exchanges and organizations of joint exhibition projects. A delighted sign of it was a gift presented to members of our delegation. It was a book "100 Masterpieces of National Art Museum of the Republic Belarus".

Undoubtedly, a great impetus of cooperation in this area will be the result of the Turkmen-Belarusian talks at the highest levels particularly a yesterday’s signed bilateral document. Programme of Cooperation in the field of culture and art in 2017-2020 years between the Governments of two countries.

Then, the guests with great interest were familiarized with the exhibition. The collection consists of priceless rarities from the State Museum of Turkmenistan, and the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan. The ancient national clothe with amazing subtlety of hand-made embroideries on it, fine carpets and rugs, gorgeous jewelry, paintings were represented by the State Academy of Fine Arts of our country, and publications about art, music, architecture, history and traditions of the Turkmen people.

Today it was held meeting of cultural workers of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Belarus. It was organized by the National Library of Belarus, the leading information and cultural center of the country. The event was attended the prominent members of the creative team of the country, a well-known writers, journalists, translators, teachers, young literary man.

In their speeches, the members of our delegation spoke about the immense contribution of the Turkmen people to the world cultural diversity. In this regard, it was stressed the importance and significance of creative dialogue between two nations. Moreover, there was also a need for professional cooperation in the field of librarianship, and translation of the classics of two nations into Belarusian and Turkmen languages.

At the end, the members of the Turkmen delegation was organized a tour within the National Library and was familiarized with the library’s activities. Today, the delegates of the Turkmen culture visited the National History Museum of the Republic of Belarus. In its collection, it is the largest museum collection of the country there are more than 400 thousand exhibits. The museum specialists from Turkmenistan shared experiences with their Belarusian colleagues.