Ï The textile industry of Turkmenistan increases capacity

The textile industry of Turkmenistan increases capacity

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The textile industry of Turkmenistan increases capacity

Following the recent reports on the successful discharge by the agriculturists of the country of contractual obligations on production of 1 million 250 thousand ton of raw cotton, there is another joyful news – the ultramodern textile complex will be opened in the nearest future in Babadayhan etrap of Ahal velayat. There is a deep symbolic link between these two events, witnessing that for 30 years of independence, Turkmenistan has fundamentally changed its status of the raw materials producing country, turning into the manufacturer of the textile goods of high quality, being in demand in the world market.

Earlier, before gaining an independence, almost all grown cotton was shipped for further processing to the textile enterprises of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Baltics or exported abroad, but now, over the past three decades, for its processing in the country, a powerful textile industry was formed, where many billions of American dollars are invested. Today, the industrial infrastructure of the branch comprises dozens of modern enterprises, among which ‒ the large textile complexes, cotton spinning mills, weaving factories, garment factories, silk mills, foot-ware factories, primary leather and wool processing plants.

Data for a period from January to September 2021 witness the dynamic development of the textile industry witness. Relative to the same period in the previous year the volume of production of the enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, including the cotton yarn and fabric, make up 120,2 and 104,7 correspondingly, sewn and knitted items – 119,3%, leather goods – 106,1%.

Along with the engineering and technological reconstruction of the operating enterprises, the new hi-tech enterprises are created, with the advanced equipment from the world producers. Specially to such innovative enterprises is attributed the new integrated textile complex, put into operation in August of this year в in Kaahka etrap of Ahal velayat, and the similar complex, which will be opened in Babadayhan etrap. Such new enterprises produce the goods meeting the modern requirements of the international quality, management and marketing standards.

The special attention is paid to the compliance of the produced goods with the requirements of the environment safety, and the conventional trend of the domestic industry to the natural raw materials contributes to this. The production of the leading enterprises of the textile industry of Turkmenistan won an international recognition and received the certificates ISO 9001, 9002, ISO 14001, of WRAP and OHSAS 18001 standards.

The coming commissioning of the new complex in Babadayhan etrap will allow to increase the export potential of the textile industry, which plays an important role in the increase of the non-energy export of the country. At present, the lion’s share of the produced textile goods of Turkmenistan is delivered to the countries of CIS, Europe, Asia and other parts of the world.