Ï The motto of the upcoming year 2022 discussed

The motto of the upcoming year 2022 discussed

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Today, the Center of Public Organizations of Turkmenistan hosted a meeting “Year of Peace and Trust: Triumph of Peaceful Domestic and Foreign Policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov”.

The event was attended by deputies of the Mejlis and members of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh, heads and representatives of public organizations, the media, higher educational institutions of the country, as well as workers in industrial sectors, honorary elders and youth.

According to the established good tradition, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, every year in our country is held under a certain motto. This allows us to focus on the most important aspects of the development of the Turkmen state and society in accordance with the realities of the time, and also contributes to the popularization of important annual events for the Motherland and the people.

An exhibition was organized in the foyer of the Center on this occasion, presenting works of decorative and applied and modern art and museum values .

A musical and dance composition, inspired by the masters of the arts, brought a bright color to the palette of the celebration.

They also exchanged views on the proposals put forward. Taking into account the wishes of our people, it was decided to associate the motto of 2022 with the name of the leader, Arkadag, which will inspire our compatriots to new high achievements.

Speaking, the chairman of the National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan noted that at the meetings held with the participation of active members of the branch councils of trade unions, primary organizations of the city of Ashgabat, velayat and etrap associations, as well as the Women's Union, proposals were made by the population and specialists working in various industries of the national economic complex of the capital and velayats, to make the motto of the new year: “The era of the people with Arkadag” (Halkyň Arkadagly zamanasy).

This motto is a tribute of high respect to the Hero-President, who founded a happy era and leads the people and the Motherland to new achievements.

The speakers unanimously supported the proposal, stressing that great things are done with the noble initiatives of the leader of the nation. As a result of the wise policy of the head of state, his tireless concern for the native people, the standard of living of the Turkmen people is systematically increasing, which is a confirmation of the success of the initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan, the main principle of the strategy of which is “The state is for the person!”

The year 2021 is coming to an end, which will forever remain in the annals of history of our Fatherland as the year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence. For the people and the country, it is marked by a series of significant events, great labor victories and great successes. The meeting participants unanimously supported the proposal to proclaim the 2022 motto “The era of the people with Arkadag”.

Under the wise leadership of the leader of the nation, our independent state is building up and strengthening partnerships with other countries and international organizations. Turkmenistan comes up with constructive proposals aimed at solving topical issues of a global scale, on which conferences and forums of various levels are held. In this context, it was especially noted that the next Summit of the Organization for Economic Cooperation will be held in a hotel with a business center “Garagum” recently opened in Ashgabat.

The unanimous support of the initiatives of our country to address the most important issues of our time by international structures testifies to the growing authority of the Turkmen state and President-Arkadag in the world.

Supporting the proposal for a new slogan for next year, the speakers expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for tireless concern for the native people and for enhancing the international authority of the Motherland.

At present, under the wise leadership of the leader of the nation, the people of Turkmenistan enjoy the benefits of a happy life, selflessly working, successfully solving the tasks set to transform all sectors of the national economy. This further strengthens the faith of compatriots in a bright future.

At the same time, the speakers noted the importance of the revival of the glorious history of ancestors, the wide popularization of national traditions in the world and their transmission to future generations, stating that work in this direction is of great importance. The great contribution of the Turkmen people to the achievement of the set great goals was emphasized.

At the end of the meeting, the participants expressed their sincere gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the constant concern for improving the social and living standards of the people, bringing the country to a new level of development, assuring that in 2022, which will be held under the motto “The era of the people with Arkadag”, they will work selflessly contributing to the implementation of the tasks set and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.