Ï The President of Turkmenistan visited the Akhalteke Horse Breeding Complex

The President of Turkmenistan visited the Akhalteke Horse Breeding Complex

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During his visit to the Equestrian Complex, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov was engaged in writing the book on «Arşyň nepisligi» which is devoted to national carpet weaving, the unique exquisit art treasures. The fact that the head of the state has completed the book on the eve of Day of Celebration of the Turkmen carpet implies special symbolism.

As an excellent rider, connoisseur and expert of "heavenly horses", the head of state regularly spend time with horses and mastering his horse riding skills, despite of his busy working schedule. Not once have we become impressive witnesses of it.

Today, President of Turkmenistan visited the Akhalteke Horse Breeding Complex to spend some time with his new pet horse, Miras, which on seeing its master from a distance, greeted him with a joyful and loud neigh in a manner Akhalteke horses expressed gratitude for good care. After a short wordless conversation, when a rider and a horse like true friends understand each other the usual way, the Leader of the Nation mounted Miras and practiced riding the horse, easily performing complicated elements of trick riding.

This light-bay horse, which keeps its lineal descendant of Yol, including the parents horses of Dushumli and Goiduvsus, was a gift to the Head of the State given on behalf of horse breeders of the country during the festivity held on occasion of the Turkmen Horse Day as a sign of appreciation for the care of development of national horse breeding sphere. Other riders joined President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov on the racetrack.

Fully familiar with horse-riding, the head of state passes onto Miras his confidence for victory, and the horse, inspired by his talented rider’s determination and competitive spirit, sprang forward and reach the first the finish line. Thus, President of Turkmenistan became a winner, in an organized horse race at a distance of 1400 meters, reached the finish in 1 minute and 37 seconds. Other two riders finish second and third, respectively, in 1 minute 41 seconds and 1 minute 42 seconds.

Then, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov took another horse, Nusai, out of the stable. Riding the horse, the leader of the nation demonstrated his extraordinary riding skills again. Nusai responded to his rider’s movements readily and performed dressage exercises perfectly. As is known, peculiarities of Turkmen horses, its special psychological way of thinking requires from the rider not only professional riding skills, but also other skills like subtlety and refinement in thoughts.

Then, on the race track the Turkmen leader once again demonstrated masterly manage of his horse. The horse was responsive to all sensitive guides’ movement of its rider, and perfectly performed elements of dressage.

Now, in many parts of the world it has seen a steady interest in the revival of the horse breeding complexes, scientific and educational base of the sectors, equestrian clubs. In this respect the traditions of the Turkmen horse breeding, whose effectiveness has been tested by centuries, the national school of training horses, attracted attention of professionals. After all, not only were Turkmens able to give the world a product of the highest art of breeders as Akhal-Teke horses, but also preserve purity of these priceless horses with their excellent qualities.

Vivid evidence is the strategy implemented by our country in the field of health care and sport development, In accordance with OCA decision, Ashgabat - the first in Central Asian region - received the right to host the 2017 Asian Indoor Games and Martial Arts. It will be 21 kinds of sports included in the program of the 2017 Asian Games.

As you know, with the blessing of the leader of the nation, President of the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, on May 5 in the State historical and cultural reserve "Nisa" it was the start of a 500-day equestrian relay throughout of all regions of the country to finish in the white-marble Turkmen capital on the opening day of the V Asian indoor games and martial arts. Meantime, the timer has been started the countdown of the 2017Asian Games.

It is deeply symbolic the fact that the horse started running at the walls of the ancient Nisa included in the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Akhal-Teke breed was born exactly here in the foothills of the Kopetdag Valley, and brought by Turkmens to unsurpassed perfection. In ancient times, beautiful Akhal-Teke horses called "Nissa” horses.

Each historical epoch has its own symbols that embody the spirit of time, accomplishments and aspirations of people. The symbol of the era of power and happiness, embodying the vital connection of times, past, present and future of our Motherland is the Akhal-Teke horse, whose silhouette is depicted on the emblem of the 2017Asian Games.