Ï Music by Franz Liszt and Vincenzo Bellini sounded in Ashgabat

Music by Franz Liszt and Vincenzo Bellini sounded in Ashgabat

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Music by Franz Liszt and Vincenzo Bellini sounded in Ashgabat
Aleksey Gimalitdinov

The other day in the Great Hall of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva a concert entitled "Singers of Love" was held. It was dedicated to the 220th anniversary of Vincenzo Bellini and the 210th anniversary of Franz Liszt.

From the vast heritage of these brilliant composers of the late romanticism era, students of the department of the chamber ensemble of TNK, with the participation of famous masters of arts and diploma winner of international competitions, Stella Faramazova, selected the most romantic works for the audience.

Amannazar Arslanov opened the concert with his performance. His piano performance included "Dreams of Love" by Franz Liszt. The history of this work formed the basis of a two-part feature film of the same name, released in 1970.

A fifth-year student of TNK named after M. Kulieva Emir Bayramgeldiev performed an etude by F. Liszt on the flute, transferring the audience to the era of the author. Honored Artist Bibidzhemal Amanova bewitched the audience with her voice with Amina's aria from the opera "Somnambule" by V. Bellini.

At one time, the Italian composer V. Bellini in bohemian circles was called "the master of melancholy" because of the flowing musical phrases that have become the hallmark of opera works. Giuseppe Verdi considered him an innovator and reformer in music, and Richard Wagner admired his ability to harmoniously recreate musical images in a score. V. Bellini left a wonderful memory for many generations of people related to art.

Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Mkrtumov charmed the audience with his piano playing. He performed a beautiful and at the same time very complex "Mephisto Waltz". Franz Liszt created a series of four waltzes under one title for orchestra and later arranged them for piano.

From early childhood, Ferenc performed with concerts, he was often compared to Mozart. One of the brightest events in the life of the Hungarian composer was his acquaintance with Ludwig van Beethoven, who, after one of his performances, kissed young Liszt. It is noteworthy that Ferenc was an admirer of the maestro long before that meeting. When the boy was asked what he wants to become when he grows up, he pointed to a portrait of Beethoven. Such recognition of the idol was very inspiring.

Later Franz Liszt created works that were unique and recognizable from the first notes, forcing listeners to empathize and sympathize with the author's mood, which was forever imprinted in his compositions.

The cavatina "Casta Diva" from the opera "Norma" by V. Bellini, performed by the laureate of the competition Altyn Asyr Bakhar Durdyeva, caused a standing ovation from the audience. She is a serious test for vocalists, even for the leading stars of the world opera stage. The part, written for soprano, is still practically unparalleled in terms of the level of difficulty.

People's Artist of Turkmenistan Gulnar Nuryeva, to the piano accompaniment of S. Faramazova, carried the audience into the sea, performing the sad legend of "Lorelei" on the verses of Heinrich Heine, set to music by F. List. This melodic work in three parts tells the story of the daughter of a fisherman, who became a mermaid.

The surprise prepared by the Inspiration Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Dovletmammed Okdirov perfectly fit into the general program. Thus, a concert for oboe by Tomaso Albinonni became an “island of Baroque music”. Didar Yomudov performed the oboe solo. By the way, this year, connoisseurs of this composer's work have celebrated 350 years since his birth.

The final touch was the performance of Shirkhan Batyrov, who performed Liszt's Dreams of Love with the accompaniment of the chamber orchestra "Inspiration" on the clarinet. Thus, the concert opened with this work in a piano version ended with it, but already in an orchestral sound.

Lovers of classical music gathered in the hall, loudly applauded the performers, because that evening, they had the opportunity to travel back to the era of late romanticism.