Ï Firework of the talented voices

Firework of the talented voices

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Six students of the solo singing Department – the students of the senior teacher Amangeldy Amanov, prepared for the Neutrality Day the holiday concert, which took place in Small Hall of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva. The guests – teacher of the Turkmen State School of Culture and Srts Selbi Bekiyeva, solist of the Turkmen state chorus Kurban Zamanov, and the organizer of the concert, maestro Amangeldy Amanov participated in the concert program together with the students.

Every student performed two items: one- from Russian and West European classics, another - from famous Turkmen classic compositions. The wonderful melodies of Eduardi di Capua, Umberto Giordano, Franz Schubert, Francesco Chilea, Giacomo Puccini, Ruggiero Leonkovallo, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninov, Aman Agadzhikov, Nury Mukhatov, Chary Nurymov, Latukh Hameidi sounded in Small Hall.

The melodies were illustrated by the magnificent voices of future opera artists. The first year student Kadyr Esenov, second year student Aynepes Kakayev, third year students Azat Bazarov and Guvanch Saparmuradov, fourth year students Merdan Hakimov and Suray Kubyeva – you can write about each of them separately, admiring the wonderful natural data and professional polishing of the voice.

The guests brought a beautiful note to the canvas of the concert program. Their performances were distinguished by exquisite performing skills. And at the end of the concert, a joint performance of all the participants in the concert sounded with an unforgettable fireworks. The audience greeted the peculiar chorus of talents with incessant applause.

The concertmaster of the program was Maya Beimanova.

- To the state holiday – Neutrality Day- we wanted to show what talented artists the conservatory is preparing for the theaters of our Motherland,” Amangeldy Amanov said in an interview with our newspaper, accepting congratulations. - I am very pleased with the way the concert went. All students were at their best. I would like to highlight those who have distinguished themselves, but then it will be all six students.