Ï Literary review of the painting «Gyorogly at the Halt» by People's Artist of Turkmenistan Yakup Annanurov

Literary review of the painting «Gyorogly at the Halt» by People's Artist of Turkmenistan Yakup Annanurov

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Literary review of the painting «Gyorogly at the Halt» by People's Artist of Turkmenistan Yakup Annanurov

Fine art, like cinema and theater, belongs to the performing arts and is considered the most subtle of the directions that affect consciousness. Expressing different stages of life, each picture acts as a definitively resolved work of art. If you look at the picture as a stage, you can see that one moment of the narrated event is displayed there. Analyzing Yakup Annanurov's Gyorogly at the Halt, you are convinced that this is a giant source of information about national art, history, literature, ethnography. Appropriate use of classical realism techniques, the location of characters in nature, the choice of certain shades of color enrich the picture with national color. Not a single volume, not a single shade, not a single movement in the work evokes tension. The overall harmonious resolution of the painting increases its artistic weight. The realistic image of clothing, weapons, various objects of that time, nature makes the viewer confident that this was exactly the case. Such paintings spiritually enrich a person and are considered a national cultural heritage.

... On the general plan, the Turkmen steppe surrounded by majestic mountains. Looking at the objects in the picture, one can guess that the artist depicted on it one of the moments of the halt. In the center of the picture is Gyorogly under the rays of the sun. He has a dutar in his hands, and although it seems that he is addressing his horsemen, his clever gaze is directed towards the people.

Of course, in the minds of the Turkmen people, the image of Gorogly has been preserved as a courageous patriot-commander, and probably being guided by this, the artist Yakup Annanurov turned to this topic. In this picture, Gorogly is depicted in the form of a commander addressing the people. This picture was created by the desire to show the unity of the people with their hero and the hero with his people.

The painting depicts the faithful horse Gyorogly - Gyrat, listening to the voice of the owner. A little further off, the stepson of Gyorogly - Ovez, surrounded by forty horsemen, and on the edge of the Sapar spit, one of the horsemen of Gerogly. Looking at the picture, you can see that there are no accidents, every little thing has its place. Competent drawing up of the general composition proves that Yakup Annanurov is a skilled artist-composer. About the painting "Gyorogly at the Halt" we can say that it is an exemplary historical and ethnographic painting. Since it contains all the national concepts inherent in the Turkmen people.

Unlike the straightforward, sometimes rude Gyorogly, as his folk art depicts, Yakup Annanurov creates his own Gyorogly. He is not a padishah, not a ruler, but a character closer to the people. A little dark, with a beard, with a dutar in the hands of Gyorogly, a real Turkmen.

The nature depicted in the picture, the majestic mountains, the melody of the song of Gorogly, which flows from the picture, suggests that Yakup Annanurov understood the lifestyle and mentality of the people very well.