Ï People's Artist of Turkmenistan Chary Amangeldiyev held personal exhibition of work in Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan

People's Artist of Turkmenistan Chary Amangeldiyev held personal exhibition of work in Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan

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One particular feature of this artist’s paintings is that it can be easily identified among 100 and more works of artist, which is such individual and inimitable manner.

His creative painting is a reflection of the fate, charisma, soul, and nature of the artist. Chary Amangeldiyev paint works use the planar strokes or gray-blue, gray or orange color scheme. He invests in each work the ultimate expression. Therefore, his pictures "gain" voice sometimes the voice "cries out" because the artist chooses the action theme. One of the pictures, which the visitors amateurs like to stop by to observe, is the theme "Terrorism". This is about that terror which is not the method of achieving the goal and unjustifiable crime.

Chary Amangeldiyev orphaned early and was brought up in an orphanage of Keshi district. Childhood memories returned him to the orphanage environment. He remembered himself as a sick boy at the hospital. Then he grew up stronger, he made friends with boys and an orphanage became a motherland. Once, one of the boys brought him the news that his brother and sister searched for him, Chary Amangeldiyev was scared off that the dearest world he brought up would collapse and was disappointed. But the brother was visiting him regularly, and the relationship restored.

One of his paintings displayed in the exhibition depicted the painting of two brothers Amangeldiyev. Brothers-artists are a rare phenomenon in the art. Many colleagues and art lovers tend to find the similarities in their work. Both brothers paint quite differently. Yet, Chary Amangeldiyev characterizes the relationship with his brother as a fraternal cooperation in life and work.

Aman Amangeldiyev played a crucial role in the fate of his younger brother. In fact, for two of them, he became a pioneer in life. Chary Amangeldiyev, like his brother, arrived in Ashgabat to enter the art school named after Shota Rustaveli. Of course, he would not have passed the examination without his brother’s support to choose this profession. In a year of study at art school there was an earthquake where neither Chary Amangeldiyev nor his brother suffered from the quake: the hostel in which they lived survived. The city was under ruins covered in a cloud of dust which was slowly settling. Prior to coming military soldiers, burial of earthquake victims involved students. Chary Amangeldiyev was among them. There was a shortage of transport and shovels, sometimes mass graves dug by whatever instruments they utilized. But all is well understood, they perform an important mission, otherwise the epidemy can start. And yet the horror of what was happening stayed in psychology of the fifteen years old fellow. Probably, just because of it there were extremes depicted in his paintings. At the same time, the artist never used the earthquakes theme in his work.

As his older brother Chary Amangeldyevich continued his education at Moscow Art Institute named after B.I. Surikov. First he entered the faculty of restoration. His years of study coincided with the well-known incident - mentally inadequate visitor of Tretyakov gallery had ruined painting of Ilya Repin "Ivan the Terrible kills his son". Students of the Faculty of Restoration, among them was the Chary Amangeldiyev, were present at the painstaking work of restoration of the paintings lasted for a year. To glue broken parts it was prepared special glue made from sturgeon fish. It was held a chemical analysis of paintings canvas and paints. When the work was completed, the students were allowed to touch the problem space by hands: it was no difference from the originality.

Having received the diplomas of restorer, Chary Amangeldiyev submitted his documents for admission to the Faculty of Painting. And so he studied at the prestigious artistic institution not for 5 years as casual students, but 10 years. It was a wonderful school. Chary Amangeldiyev was especially proud of getting acquainted with the famous painter and art historian Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar.

Chary Amangeldiyev has unrealizable dream is space. When he talks about it, boyish enthusiasm appears in his eyes. The artist's workshop has a selection of literature on astronomy. His favorite hero is Konstantin Tsiolkovskiy. Once in the Academy of Arts he was fortunate to meet with Turkmen cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko. If Chary Amangeldiyev were him to fly to space, despite his age, thus, he gave his favorite paintings to the astronaut. Of course, he knows that flying in space is beautiful, but unrealistic dream. So he takes a big canvas to paint a part of the vast universe, where two cosmonauts performed docking of spacecraft. There was presented at the exhibition of the painting "Conquerors of Space". In the foreground of the picture is a smiling Oleg Kononenko, and the next to him are a person best of humanity -

Tsiolkovsky, Giordano Bruno, Shakespeare, Avicenna, Magtymguly and others. Today it is the most favorite painting of the artist. He mentally saw himself and his brother in their place when painted pictures of astronauts. Fraternal friendship of life and work has moved into space. Whatever it was, but not everyone in 83 years old is able to dream in such indefinitely high level.