Ï Resolution of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan on declaring the year of 2022, the Year of «People’s Epoch with Arkadag»

Resolution of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan on declaring the year of 2022, the Year of «Epoch of people with Arkadag»

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The year «Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust», declared on the initiative of highly respected President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is inscribed with golden letters into the chronicle of the Independence of our country, which is confidently moving forward to new heights of development. The solemn celebration of the glorious 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of permanently neutral Turkmenistan glorified all over the world the colossal milestones achieved by our country in a short time as a result of the unity and hard work of the Turkmen people, who rallied around their national leader.

Fundamental transformations carried out in all areas of life of our country in the epoch of might and happiness, are reflected in the successfully implemented humane policy of our Arkadag «The state is for a person!».

Numerous events held in the country and at the international level with the aim to promote the socio-political significance and the sense of the motto of the year of 2021 «Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust», the initiatives of our Dear President, put forward at major international forums in the name of strengthening peace and trust throughout the world , allowed us to convey to the world community the peace-loving internal and external policy, successes achieved over 30 years of sacred independence, based on the status of permanent neutrality, glorious history, cultural and spiritual heritage, traditions of our people. All this clearly demonstrated to the whole world the inexhaustible creative energy of our Dear President, inherent in a modern leader and recognized at the international level, further strengthened the authoritative place of Turkmenistan in the world space.

The united people of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan associate the historical events taking place in the life of our country and society, the great successes achieved in politics, economy and socio-cultural direction with the name of the President Arkadag. Therefore, the unshakable faith of the Turkmen people in their Arkadag, its humane policy, which is based on his wisdom and intelligence, in the bright future of the civil society, is growing stronger and stronger.

Coming from the spiritual motivation of our people, it has become a good tradition in our country to name each coming year. This tradition has enhanced our people’s pride for the Motherland, which is the fatherland of friendship and fraternity, and for the epoch of prosperity and happiness, striving for inspired and conscientious work.

In order to widely promote and convey to the world community the unprecedented successes achieved by our motherland during the years of independence, and large-scale transformations implemented in our country, under the far-sighted leadership of the Arkadag, the importance of great activities aimed at strengthening the foundations of statehood, further building up economic power our country, a further increase in the social and everyday standard of living of our people, a well-thought-out domestic and foreign policy of Turkmenistan in an epoch of might and happiness, educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and pride in the epoch with Arkadag, noting that our Fatherland has achieved great success during the years of independence thanks to to the tireless efforts of our national Leader, and as a result of which has reached new frontiers in the construction of a powerful state, democratization of public life, relying on the national foundations of statehood, the Turkmen people enter with their Arkadag in the third decade of the epoch of the XXI century in a new era, as well as taking into account the numerous proposals received from state bodies, organizations, enterprises, large public associations and citizens of our country and widely supported by all the people to declare the Year of 2022 – the Year of the Epoch of people with Arkadag, the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan decrees:

To declare the Year of 2022 – the Year of «Epoch of people with Arkadag».

Chairwoman of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan 