Ï The President of Turkmenistan and his family members saw in the New Year together

The President of Turkmenistan and his family members saw in the New Year together

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The New Year holiday, which all people welcome in great merriment and with good hopes and kind wishes, as a visual symbol of wellbeing of happy families of our country, fills the hearts of people with joy.

The moments President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and members of his family saw in the New Year together and with great inspiration were also full of great joy and merriment.

Grandchildren of the leader of the nation gladdened their grandfather with their new creative works and pleasant moments.

Seeing in the New Year in such way has become an embodiment of unity of the happy family, which displays a great example for inspiration.

Especially, the granddaughter of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who studies artistic creativity, had presented her grandfather with her work «Türkmen nepisligi» on the occasion of this bright holiday. Such moments added joy to the holiday, raising the mood of the leader of the nation.

Then, the President of the country once again conveyed his warm congratulations to all our people online on the occasion of the upcoming year 2022.

The leader of the nation wished every family successes, happiness and realization of bright wishes cherished in the heart of every person in the New Year.

In the wonderful moments the New Year was being welcomed, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlining the successes and high achievements made by our country, noted that he had composed a new poem and named it “My homeland, Turkmenistan!”, which he first read for members of his family.

The publication of the poem by the President of the country in press on the occasion of the holiday will become a wonderful gift for our compatriots. When his grandfather read his poem, Kerim, grandson of the leader of the nation played his new music.

Kerim, grandson of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having said that the whole country, our nation and all people welcome the New Year holiday with their presents, told that he had composed another new musical piece on the occasion of this joyful holiday and played it for his grandfather.

It became a visual embodiment of the fact that the grandson, who follows the example of his grandfather, who has created a number of works, which are greatly enjoyed by our people, inspiring poems for majestic songs, successfully continues an exemplary school of education.