Ï New measures are taken in Turkmenistan for the social protection of population

New measures are taken in Turkmenistan for the social protection of population

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New measures are taken in Turkmenistan for the social protection of population

The motto of 2022 “The Epoch of the People with Arkadag” is implemented through the new measures for social support, provided in the documents signed by the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In accordance with the Decree of the head of the state dated 8 October, 2021, from January 1, 2022, the monthly wages of employees of institutions financed from the budget, self-supporting enterprises and public associations, as well as pensions and state benefits, scholarships for students will be increased by 10 %. It is further step in the long-standing practice of Turkmenistan, which is being vigorously pursued, regardless any external circumstances, whether a global financial and economic crisis or current pandemic. Such system measures of social protection of the people, which not every state in the world can afford, testify to the sustainability of the national economy and continued commitment of Turkmenistan to its main slogan “The State is for People!”

An example of this is the upward revision of such important macro indicator as minimum wage in the country, which is fixed in amount of 1050 manat in accordance with Decree. As far as is known, increasing of minimum wage affects the growth of many social benefits and serves as a guideline for setting wages in sectors of the economy. This indicator is necessary to regulate labor relations between employers and employees, and it is mandatory for all employers, regardless of the organizational form and type of activity. Based on the current minimum wage, social benefits are calculated - for pregnancy, sick leave, payments for caring for an infant and others. Established in Turkmenistan minimum wage is higher than similar indicators among most CIS countries.

Provisions of the Act amending and supplementing the Social Security Code of Turkmenistan, adopted by the parliament of the country at the end of October and approved by the President of Turkmenistan on 13 November, 2021, have been came into force since the beginning of the year. The law provides a significant increase of lump sum payment for pregnancy and confinement, monthly childcare benefit, and other measures of social security of the vulnerable groups.