Ï The children revived the old works

The children revived the old works

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The children revived the old works
Alexey Gimalitdinov

An unscheduled exhibition of works of the carpet department’s students was displayed in the Byashim Nurali Art School. In principle, it is not uncommon, except for one thing… The thing is that all exhibits are performed from the old works!

This all started when a teacher Altynjemal Bayliyeva showed the students a series of her tapestry works with a poetic name «Salute to spring!» Butterflies flying over poppy and exotic flowers were so good that inspired the children to learn to do such charming pieces.

Big things have small beginnings. In order to learn without extra cost, the old works were used. The students greatly encouraged an initiative of the young teacher. The old works, to be exact – small in size tapestries or carpet articles, were distributed among the students, and from now on the young carpet makers used an associative thought. For example, if the former tapestry purse resembled a desert in color and relief, then the imagination drew a lizard leaving a neat “chain” of small footprints in the sand. Or - a caravan of the Great Silk Road. If the old work looked like a fun field, then it was a great backdrop for fairy tale characters.

Thus, at a cheerful colourful exhibition appeared voracious Bovendjik, smart girl Akpamyk, Dev, camels, flowers, children, alabay dogs …

Altynjemal Kakamuradovna recently started working at the children art school. She brought a lot of interesting ideas and immediately found a common creative language with the students. A non-standard look at familiar things is her credo. Therefore, it is easy and simple for students of the carpet department to fantasize with a new teacher, find new solutions on their own, and be inspired by the successful work of their classmates.