Ï Culture Week held in the administrative center of Mary region

Culture Week held in the administrative center of Mary region

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An annual campaign aimed at preserving and enhancing of spiritual wealth, encouraging professional growth of culture workers and searching for new talents. A variety of historical and cultural heritage of our country, the centuries-old evidence of the highest culture of the Turkmen people, who made a significant contribution to the treasury of human values are presented in the event. Thus, organized in the framework of the art forum the exhibitions, premiere performances and other events contribute to the further development of national art.

Having taken the baton from Turkmenabat where the Week of Culture 2015 held, Mary warmly welcomed the participants of this art forum.

At all times here, arts and sciences place special honor since the ancient history, outstanding scientists and philosophers, musicians, poets and Eastern artists lived and worked here. The progressive cultural processes were initiated here which then influenced development of the region and development of Eastern and Western cultures.

Having located in the Great Silk Road, the Ancient Merv was a kind of crossroads of civilizations. The famous in the East mosques and madrassas, bazaars were built here. Merchants from all over the world in the large caravanserai used to stay here. Ideas and knowledge were initially born here having possessed minds of millions of people in various generations starting from the prophet Zoroaster to the Great Sufi sheikhs. In this grace-edge land it was composed heroic epic and romantic tales from destans Gorkut ata and Geor Olgu up to poetry Nesimi, Fizuli, Magtymguly and other classics of medieval literature of world names.

Merv’s library was a pride- a keeper of knowledge, genuine centers of science and education, a desired destination for scientists from many countries. It was one of the first in Central Asia "science cities", the fame of which brought brilliant mathematicians and other scientists, including the famous astronomer and poet Omar Hayam. The original splendor of architecture reminds the preserved monuments, united in the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Ancient Merv" recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage. Scientists around the world, as well as travelers and tourists pay great attention.

The focus of celebration in honor of the opening of the Week of Culture 2016 was in a square "Baidak" in front of the majestic Palace Ruhiyet to bring together numerous participants of the ceremony, residents and visitors. Here on the high flagpole the State flag of Turkmenistan waved in the wind. Today, the square is particularly ornate: the sea of flags, flowers, colorful banners, balloons. On the square, the flash mob participants form the inscription "Medeniet halkyn kalbydyr". Ensembles of dutarist arranged in composition depicting the image of dutar.

An exhibition displays on both sides of the Palace Ruhiyet, the exhibits showcase the ancient indigenous traditions, rich cultural heritage of our people, its art. The art and crafts and national dress patterns, natural fabrics, carpets, felt mats, ceramics and wood products, skilled work jewelers are represented in the exhibition.

Numerous creative teams delegate to Mary for the Week of Culture, joined representatives of different kinds of art - known theater artists and musicians, singers and folk singers, museum professionals, artists and poets, professional ensembles and popular folklore-ethnographic group.

The bright festive procession participants of the celebration are being held in the building of the Palace of Ruhiyet. In large lobby it displays an exhibition of carpets and fine art. There are beautiful melodies performed by an ensemble of violinists.

Chiefs and representatives of the Ministry of Culture, public organizations, artistic universities in the country, the media, culture and art figures, elders and youth attended the opening ceremony of the event.

The audience hears the welcoming statement of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to participants of the Week of Culture in the city of Mary.

Then, on the stage of the Palace Ruhiyet it is held a big concert presented by the masters of arts and popular creative teams of our country.

It is important to note that artists and creative teams of the country by tradition have prepared premiere performances. Moreover, for many artists, the concert in honor of the Culture Week was the debut on the big stage.

The concert program makes up folk and modern melodies and songs, colorful dance and folk compositions, reflecting gone through the centuries and carefully preserved up to our day original customs and traditions of the Turkmen people, which is nation of peacemaker and builder. Young singers and children's dance group of Mary entertain audience with their brilliant performances. The real gift was excellent acapella singing for fans of vocal art.

A tribute to the tradition was the performance of a fragment of destan "Georogly", which is on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as a striking example of Destan art of the Turkmen people.

Under the arches of the magnificent hall it is played old melodies and songs, music from popular movies, as well as modern pop rhythms. Loved by different generations of the Turkmen people the old music has been performed in modern way.

The folklore groups by the language of music and dance tell the audience about the history leaving in depth of the customs of the Turkmen people. The theme of continuity of the best traditions of national art was traced in a joint presentation of different generations of Bakhshi musicians. Each of the concert plays as a short performance.

Traditionally, at the end of the festive program it dances "kushtdepdi" which embodied its powerful harmony of energy and spiritual power of the national culture. This year, the ancient Turkmen dance was honored to hold a special festival in the country, which promoted its study and preservation as a sample of intangible cultural heritage of the people.

In the afternoon, the celebrations in honor of the opening of the Culture Week 2016 continued in Mary Library, which is a scientific and methodological center, where one can touch priceless literary treasures, and even look through the space via a telescope.

The exhibition displays works of famous artists of Mary painting school. It is natural that cultural treasury of past centuries could not have its immense influence on the creative motifs and conceptual views of the masters of brush and canvas. The theme Ancient Merv, images of rulers, generals, thinkers of past centuries, and the legend tell about the great past, having found broad and original reflection in the paintings of contemporary artists.

The first day of the creative forum wrapped up by big festive concert, which took place on the square in front of the velayat library. On the stage square the original art and skills are being demonstrated by the folklore-ethnographic and popular dance ensembles, famous singers of folk and pop songs.

Tomorrow, in the framework of the Week of Culture, the participants will visit the State Historical and Cultural Park "Ancient Merv" . The young talents, as well as masters of the arts of Balkan and Dashoguz region will perform in the city.