Ï The fourth day of Cultural week in Mary was held under precedence of bakhshy traditions

The fourth day of Cultural week in Mary was held under precedence of bakhshy traditions

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Mary turned into centre of cultural life of the country in these days, which lives in exciting rhythm of big and bright art holiday. Today, the programme of Cultural week included the concert of joint bakhshys band and performance of the art masters from Lebap and Mary velayats.

The atmosphere of big Turkmen toy (celebration) reigned at the square in front of historical museum of Mary velayat where still yesterday the improvised Turkmen village was located. The ethnographic exhibition including traditional handicraft and wonderful samples of decorative and applied art were deployed at brightly decorated topchans in white yurts. Here, book productions and works of Mary paint artists are displayed as well.

Modern masters demonstrate skilful process of weaving carpet items, felt mats, ketenes, national embroidery, which are akin to the art of folk singers and musicians by delicacy and elegance of the ornament and by combination of rich and bright colours in patterns.

The performance of band of musicians united 100 dutar players from different velayats of the country, skilfully demonstrating centuries-old musical and song art loved by the people, fit organically in this ethnographic context. Together with famous masters, the young musician-bakhshys took part in the concert, what underlines everlasting meaning of succession wing to which national culture preserved originality in its whole generous variety.

The music of bakhshy is the whole layer of Turkmen culture and sample of high professionalism, which was forming up based on old-centuries art traditions and progressed with every new generation in performance practice. The fact that art of bakhshy is studied and broadly popularized in Turkmenistan nowadays is the evidence of special respect of folk musicians and narrators. There is a title of “People Bakhshy of Turkmenistan” among the state awards. Special faculties for bakhshy were established under Turkmen National conservatoire and specialized art schools. In this year as Year of Respect of Heritage and Transformation of the Motherland initiated by president of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the bakhshy festival took place in Ahal velayat.

Throughout the times, special honour and respect were paid to dutar players in Turkmenistan for the music played by them reflected life of people and its soul. The songs and narrations of bakhshies contained true and excited story of happiness and sorrows, beauties of feelings, joys and hopes of the people. It is no coincidence that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov named his book “Bakhshys – precursors of people happiness”, having devoted it to folk musical art. Having put big knowledge, love and special awe to spiritual heritage, the Leader of the Nation described the features of Turkmen melodism and composition of mukams, traced succession of mentor’s traditions and formation of different art schools, showed the role of bakhshys in Turkmen culture throughout the centuries including in the Modern Turkmenistan.

Another day of art forum was concluded by big joint concert of culture and art masters of Lebap and Mary velayat. Bright performance in front of the Mary velayat library included traditional old rites, accompanying national holidays, popular folk and modern tunes, songs, and dances.