Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who arrived in the People’s Republic of China on a working visit at the invitation of Chairman of PRC Xi Jinping, has become an honourable guest at the solemn opening of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.

Participation of the head of the state in the opening of the “white” Olympics - a grandiose sports festival that has brought together numerous athletes from different regions of the world, once again testifies to the great attention, paid in our country to the development and promotion of sports and strengthening of fruitful international cooperation in this sphere.

Visible results of success of far-sighted strategy, which is realized into life under the leadership of the head of the state in the given area, are wonderful achievements and victories of Turkmen sportsmen, who take an active part in international competitions. All this facilitates augmentation of the authority of Turkmenistan on the world arena and rise of the prestige of our fatherland as sports power.

…Having made a flight to Beijing, the presidential airliner landed in the international airport of the capital of PRC. Here the officials welcomed the head of Turkmenistan.

From the airport, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov headed to the place of residence designated for him during his visit.

Speaking of relations between Turkmenistan and the People’s Republic of China, one should underline that they initially bear a friendly, mutually respectful and long-term character. In the modern epoch, the interstate dialogue build on the principles of strategic partnership, is developed in political and diplomatic, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres dynamically. Turkmenistan also successfully cooperates with the PRC on a multilateral basis within the framework of authoritative international and regional organizations and institutions.

The invitation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games to be held in the capital of PRC from February 4 to February 20, attested to the high level of the interstate dialogue. «As history testifies, the Olympic Games have always glorified peace and friendship between peoples, termination of enmity and wars, consolidation of peoples of various nationalities, political beliefs and their adherence to high ideals of the Olympic movement meant to facilitate mutual understanding, openness and sympathy between peoples and states», – the leader of the nation marked in the above-mentioned interview to the Chinese mass media.

«As the President of Turkmenistan, the country, which is committed to these principles in its home and foreign policy, I have accepted gratefully the offer of the respected Chairman of the People’s Republic of China», – the head of the state said.

In the second half of the day, the President of Turkmenistan headed to the Beijing National Stadium. This multipurpose complex, which is also known for its original design as «Bird’s Nest», has been chosen as the venue for the solemn opening of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games.

The mascot of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games has become the cheerful and friendly panda Bing Dwen Dwen. It wears a full-body “shell” made out of ice, which resembles an astronaut suit - a tribute to embracing new technologies for a future with infinite possibilities. The choice on the panda as mascot of the Olympics is not surprising, indeed, this animal is a national symbol of China.

The Olympic torch is an iconic part of any Games. The torch for Beijing 2022 bears the name 'Flying'. It represents a spiral construction that resembles a fluttering ribbon symbolizing mankind’s relentless pursuit of light, peace, and excellence. The interesting fact is that it has been made of carbon-fibre materials, the torch is light, resistant to high temperatures, and is primarily fuelled by hydrogen and without any harmful emission into the atmosphere.

The Beijing 2022 medals have got the named "Tong Xin", meaning "together as one". Their design is based upon Chinese ancient jade concentric circle pendants with the rings gold, silver and bronze medals have a classic view and remind awards of the Summer Games of 2008. By the message of their authors, the choice of colour combination, shapes, and elements of design of medals and the torch are a tribute of respect for the Olympic heritage of the capital of PRC.

The official motto of the Winter Olympics as well as the Paralympic Games of 2022 in Beijing – «Together for a Shared Future». It reflect the necessity for the world to work together towards a better tomorrow, especially given the difficulties faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The motto embodies the core values and vision of the Olympic Movement, and the goal of pursuing world unity, peace and progress.

Upon his arrival in the Beijing National Stadium, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went up the stands and headed towards the VIP box. Here are heads of other countries as well as authoritative international organizations, including the United Nations Secretary General and Chairman of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly who have been invited to the opening ceremony of the Games. Chairman of PRC Xi Jinping welcomed warmly all the gathered at the stadium.

…Meantime on the arena of the Beijing National Stadium the countdown for the start of the grandiose sports festival goes. Here the inspiring atmosphere of the Olympics, which had seen an enormous preparatory work, prevails.

Over the stadium to the strains of the National Anthem of PRC, the national flag of the People’s Republic of China, the host country of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is raised.

On the field of the stadium a spectacular show, a kind of excursion into the history of the country from the olden days to our days and look into its future is demonstrated. Special visual effects made by application of the latest technologies and light emitting diode cover of the arena and add a breath-taking colour to the ongoing show.

The date of the opening of the Olympics coincides with the Chinese New Year by the lunar calendar, which symbolizes the onset of spring, which also found its reflection in the festive show.

Then, the official part of the ceremony comes. On the arena of the stadium, there appear main heroes of the Olympics –sportsmen. By the established tradition, the parade of Olympic competitors is opened by the national team of Greece, which is the birthplace of Olympic Games. Then, teams of countries –participants of Beijing 2022 come out to the arena of the stadium. The national Olympic team of the People’s Republic of China completes the parade.

Participants and guests of the Olympics are welcomed by Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games Cai Qi and President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach.

Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping solemnly declares the Games open.

The best Chinese sportsmen of different generations bring the Olympic flag to the stadium. To the sound of the Olympic Hymn performed by the chorus of children, a large white cloth with bearing five equal interlocking rings is raised to the high flagpole.

On behalf of the 2022 Games –sportsmen, umpires, coaches, and officials the Olympic oath is taken.

The culmination point reaches: the Olympic flame appears at the stadium. Here the Olympic torch relay is over. By the established tradition, the flame for the Beijing 2022 was lit at the Greece Olympia with the parabolic mirror focusing solar rays. And so on the background of the dark night sky in the centre of a large snowflake which rises under the roof of the stadium the flame of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games brightly lights up. And in several moments over the stadium a galaxy of magic fireworks shoots up and scatter in the sky completing the festive event.

So, the wonderful show marking the start of the “white” Olympics, has come to an end. But ahead are tough competitions where sportsmen from the countries located in various continents of the globe will contest for 109 sets of awards (a total of 327 medals). The Beijing 2022 program includes competitions in 15 sports. It is alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, cross-country skiing, curling, figure skating, freestyle, ice hockey, luge, Nordic combined, short track, skeleton, ski jumping, speed skating, snowboarding. Millions of spectators all over the world, including Turkmen nationals will watch the competitions on TV and through online broadcasting. The closing ceremony of the Games will take place in the Beijing stadium “Bird’s Nest” on February 20.

Under the leadership of the head of the state complex measures are taken to promote and strengthen the healthy lifestyle principles in society by encouraging population to practice physical training and sports regularly and it yields concrete results.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlines, our foremost goal is to develop and support sports and the Olympic movement in every possible way and involve the youth in them. The important stimulus for Turkmen sportsmen was their participation in the Summer Olympics, including ones in Beijing in 2008, in London in 2012, in Ryo-de- Janeiro in 2016 and in Tokyo in 2021.

Thus, participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing has become again a visual evidence of initiative position of Turkmenistan in issues of fruitful international cooperation in the field of sports and the intention of our country will further make an effective contribution to the development of global Olympic movement based on universal humane values.

Upon completion of the ceremony, the head of the state headed towards the place of residence designated for him.

The working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the People’s Republic of China continues.

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Today within the framework of the working visit to the People’s Republic of China, members of the Turkmen delegation at the instruction of leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a number of bilateral meetings with their Chinese colleagues in the course of which, topical issues of interstate cooperation, which lately due to mutual efforts of the sides has obtained the status of strategic partnership, were discussed.

So, in Beijing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov met State Councilor, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi.

The present state and prospect of further deepening of traditionally friendly interstate relations became the subject of interested discussion. As was noted, today mutually beneficial cooperation covers a wide range of areas and displays a growing dynamics both on bilateral and multilateral basis –on the platform of authoritative international organizations as well as in the format «Central Asia – China».

Ministries of foreign affairs also exchanged views of topical issues of international and regional agenda representing mutual interest.

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Within the framework of the meeting between Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet S.Toyliev and representatives of health sphere of the friendly country priority issues of Turkmen-Chinese cooperation in the field of healthcare were discussed.

One of the main topics of discussion was combat of the coronavirus infection, which has spread all over the world. The sides confirmed their intention to closely cooperate further in the medical sphere by exchanging positive experience obtained to control COVID-19 pandemic.

Representatives of the Turkmen delegation with special interest familiarized themselves with high tech equipment of displayed ambulance cars where all necessary measures, including rapid PCR tests, are envisaged.

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Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev held an online meeting with representatives of a number of Chinese companies.

The topic for discussion was cooperation in the sphere of transport and communications, which both Turkmenistan and China attach special attention taking into, account its significance as the most important condition for ensuring sustainable global development.

So, at the meeting with the leadership of «China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation» the possibility of transit through Turkmenistan the export and import goods of China by the most optimal route and increase in the volume of transit cargo transportation by railway and delivery of spare parts for the fleet of diesel locomotives and railway carriages as well as establishment of partnership in this area were discussed.

In the meeting with the leadership of «China Machinery Engineering Corporation», which is one of the largest machine building companies of PRC, the intention for cooperation in the field of financing of ship building projects realized in Turkmenistan and training of specialists was made.

During the talks, the leadership of the international freight train coordination service centre at the China Communications and Transportation Association showed an interest in the transport and logistics potential of our country. Besides it, issues of relocation of freight container trains in the territory of Turkmenistan in the direction of Europe and Turkey as well as establishment of cooperation in this area were also discussed.

As was pointed out, today transport acts as one of the key segments of world economy, which directly influences stability and balance of world economic relations as well as plays an important role in realization of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN.

In this connection, the mutual support of new, important initiatives in demand by time on the international arena, including the strategy for revival of the great Silk Road and concept of Chinese partners "Belt and Road Initiative“ aimed at improvement of existing and formation of new trade routes and economic corridors between countries of different continents was marked with satisfaction.

The sides expressed confidence that the Turkmen-Chinese relations, the history of which go back to the depth of centuries, expect a bright future taking into account common large plans and coincidence of views of tendencies of global development.

Generally, all working meetings held once again have confirmed adherence of Turkmenistan and the People's Republic of China to traditional relations of friendship and strategic partnership built on the basis of equality, trust and mutual benefits.