Ï The third day of the artistic forum in Mary reflected the rich palette of the Turkmen art

The third day of the artistic forum in Mary reflected the rich palette of the Turkmen art

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The third day of the artistic forum, which programme included the science conference, expositions of fine arts, decorative and applied arts “The Cultural Heritage – People’s Spiritual World”, premier of “Ata Pendi” performance of Kemine State Drama Theatre as well as a concert performed by masters of arts of Ashgabat and Ahal Velayat, was kaleidoscopically diverse.

In the morning, participants of the Week of Culture and numerous citizens of and guests to the city gathered together at the square in front of the Mary Velayat Local History Museum, which embodies the national art of building in its architectural design. On occasion of this even the museum prepared the exhibition showcasing the exhibits kept in its funds. Among them are unique ancient jewelry and dresses, tapestries, as well as documentary records - photos on ethnographic and historical themes. A significant part of photomaterials dedicated to the history and modern days of the city on the Murgab River.

Festive atmosphere reigned at the square. The works of modern artists that combine ancient traditions and artistic imagination were presented in Turkmen yurtas and on the couches decorated with carpets, which were installed on the square. The carpets and carpet articles, felts with classic designs and modern ornaments, national dresses, jewelry, ceramics, original textiles with embroidery, keteni and other articles demonstrated the bright colour of the original culture of our nation.

This vernissage anticipated the exhibition and conference “The Cultural Heritage – People’s Spiritual World”, dedicated to the Year of Honoring the Heritage and Transformation of the Fatherland. Those speaking during the opening ceremony of the Week underlined the importance of this cultural event in wide popularization of the national art, patriotic and aesthetic education of the people of Turkmenistan.

The exhibits of the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan, the Fine Arts Museum as well as the works of the members of the Union of Artists and students of the State Academy of Fine Arts were presented at the large exposition.

The exposition opened with views ethnographic artifacts from the collections of the State Museum, including ancient dresses, fine jewelry, beautiful carpets and tapestries, articles telling about the origins of the Turkmen decorative and applied arts and Turkmen people’s centuries-old traditions and customs.

The exhibition arranged on the first floor showcased drawing, painting, ceramics created by the masters of the Turkmen school of fine arts as well as graduation works of the student of the Academy of Arts. The second floor exposition demonstrated the works of the national fine arts, its ‘golden fund’. Among them are great canvases depicting Ancient Merv, the images of rulers, generals, thinkers of past centuries and historical legends.

The issues of further improvement of the cultural sphere were discussed during the conference. The conference participants – art critics, culture experts, specialists of museums and libraries, poets, writers, artists, university professors and journalists dedicated their reports to the important issues of preservation, study and popularization of historical and cultural heritage as well as the latest achievements of culture and art of our people. In this regard, it was underlined the fruitfulness of further cooperation in the framework of UNESCO.

The history and national cultural traditions were reflected in the “Ata Pendi” performance presented by the artists of Kemine Mary Velayat State Drama Theatre.

The performance rich in symbolic details, day-to-day realities of every day’s life in the East, folk flavor, conveys a strong life-asserting energy and opens up the rich world of the national culture for the spectators.

The new performance is also remarkable for its musical and artistic design.

The synthesis of experience, skills and energy of youth allowed emboduing the main idea of the show - the continuity of the history flow, people's memory and spiritual unity of generations.

The third day of the creative forum finished with a big joint concert of masters of art representing Ashgabat and Ahal Velayat.