Ï The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years

The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years

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The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years
The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years
The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years
The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years
The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years
The Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan adopted a historical decision for the upcoming 30 years

Today, in the capital «Maslahat köşgi» under the chairmanship of President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, which became a significant event in the life of our state and society, has been held.

The agenda of the meeting included discussion of the outcome of the year 2021, important tasks for the upcoming 30 years as well as other significant issues of state policy to ensure further development of our fatherland.

In the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty, the chairperson of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, deputy-chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement bodies, ministries and departments, administration of Ashgabat and regions took part. Among the gathered were also members of the Halk Maslakhaty and deputies of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, members of the regional, district and city Halk Maslakhaty, representatives of the capital and all five regions of the country, honoured elders, esteemed mothers and the student youth. By online communication, representatives of all the regions, who gathered in the building «Türkmeniň ak öýi» in Akhal region and in Rukhyet Palaces in Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary regions jointed the meeting.

…in the morning, the leader of the nation arrived in the «Maslahat köşgi» of the capital. People standing with noisy applauds welcome the head of the state, under the leadership of whom independent neutral Turkmenistan goes ahead confidently towards new heights of creation and progress.

Having greeted participants of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that today the outcome of the year 2021, which successfully passed under the motto “Turkmenistan-Homeland of Peace and Trust” will be discussed, priority goals for the upcoming 30 years will be outlined as well as other topical issues of state life will be considered to ensure further development of our fatherland.

Further, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov declared the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty open.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, the leader of the nation marked that first of all, the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers will be held, reports of deputy-chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and khyakims will be heard and their activities will be assessed to sum up the outcome of the work carried out by the Government for the past year as well as goals of socio-economic development of the country for the current year will be discussed.

Having passed to the consideration of the issues included in the agenda, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave the floor to Chairman of the State Statistics Committee S.Velbegov, who reported on planned indices for the year 2021 fulfilled by ministries and sectoral departments.

By the outcome of the year, 83773 million cubic meters of natural gas have been produced, its export as compared to 2020, has grown by 34,8 per cent, generation of power energy has grown by 11,6 per cent, and its export by 36,4 per cent, production of petrol by 0,5 per cent, lubricant oils by 7,8 per cent, cement by 4,5 per cent, brad and bread products by 6,3 per cent, processed and tinned fish and fish products by 2,1 per cent, sausage goods by 9,8 per cent, confectionary by 7,3 per cent, pasta by 4,1 per cent, cotton yarn by 24,8 per cent and cotton fabrics by 6,4 per cent.

Freight turnover carried out by all modes of transport by the outcome of 2021 made up 50335, 7 million ton-kilometres, passenger turnover -28236, 9 million passengers-kilometres. The volumes of income for the provided service to population in the sphere of communication grew by 10, 4 per cent.

The positive tendency is observed in agriculture as well. In the past year as compared to 2020, the volume of production of vegetables grew by 5 per cent, fruits and berries by 2, 6 per cent, potato by 9, 2 per cent, meat in live weight by 0, 9 per cent and milk by 0, 9 per cent.

For the period under review, the private sector has also gained a proper growth. At that, production of pasta goods grew by 12,9 per cent, sausage goods by 9,1 per cent, confectionery by 8 per cent, milk products by 6,7 per cent, pipes of plastic and fibre glass by 33,2 per cent, vegetables by 5,2 per cent, fruits and berries by 7,5 per cent, eggs by 1,2 per cent.

Along with that, the head of the State Statistics Committee informed on the pilot population census carried out by application of digital technologies on December 17-27, 2021 in accordance with «Planned complete population and housing census of Turkmenistan for 2022». At present, measures are taken to organize the given event at due level.

Minister of finance and economy M.Serdarov, who spoke further, reported on fulfilment of the State budget, investments made and realization of the National rural redevelopment program for 2021.

As was reported, fulfilment of the budget revenue of the main financial plan made up 104, 1 per cent and budget expenditures – 99, 9 per cent.

Fulfilment of the revenue of the local budget made up 102, 4 per cent, expenditures -99, 9 per cent.

For the reported period, 177 meetings of balance commissions, including 142 meetings of balance commissions in regions were held.

For the past year, 95 state properties were privatized.

In 2021, at the expense of all sources of finance the capital investment in the amount of 31, 7 billion manats was made. As compared to GDP, this indicator made up 18, 1 per cent. 46, 3 per cent of used capital investment was directed to construction of industrial projects and 53, 7 per cent to socio-cultural projects.

Reporting on fulfilment of the National rural redevelopment program, the minster informed that for 2021, 2424, 4 million manats were used. For the past year within the framework of the Program, 1 hospital, 1 health home, 7 secondary schools, 1 vertical well, 293, 3 kilometres of pipelines and networks, 529, 7 thousand square meters of housing, 597, 6 kilometres of communication system were constructed. As of January 1, 2022, construction of 101 social and cultural projects, 35 wastewater treatment facilities, 2366, 9 kilometres of pipelines and networks, 104, 1 thousand square meters of housing continues.

Chairperson of the Central Bank G.Mushshikov reported on the outcome of the work carried out for 2021.

As was reported, as of January 1 of the current year, as compared with the beginning of 2021, the total volume of balance of credit allocated by banks of the country grew by 7,3 per cent, by the private sector -32,1 per cent, easy-term credits - 4,6 per cent, agriculturists- 82 per cent, mortgage credits - 8,2 per cent. The quantity of financed projects of small and medium business made up 1874 and the number of created work places - 16 610 or over 1, 7 per cent.

For the period under consideration, the credit agreements on attraction of foreign investment for 300 million US dollars were concluded for development of public and private sectors of national economy.

The sum of financial funds attracted by institutions, enterprises and citizens made up 52, 1 billion manats.

By the outcome of 2021, the income of credit institutions as compared to 2020, grew by 8,4 per cent. Consolidated assets of banks reached 138,8 billion manats.

The volumes of non-cash payment in 2021 as compared with 2020 made up over 31 per cent.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov reported on the outcome of development of economy of Turkmenistan for 2021 as well as on the draft of «The Program for socio-economic development of the country for 2022».

Macroeconomic indices for the past year, in particular, stable growth of GDP, which as compared to 2020, grew by 6,2 per cent, can serve a bright example for it. In the industrial sector, this index grew by 9,2 per cent, in construction by 0,3 per cent, in the transport and communications sector by 4,3 per cent, in trade by 8,8 per cent, in agriculture by 3, 8 per cent, in the service sphere by 5,8 per cent.

According to the reported data, as a whole manufacture of products as compared to 2020, grew by 7, 7 per cent. Positive production indices were reached in sectors of economy.

For the period under review, the growth of volumes of retail trade by 16, 6 per cent was observed and foreign trade turnover rose by 20, 5 per cent.

Rates of salaries by large and medium enterprises of the country as compared to 2020, grew by 10, 5 per cent. Salaries, pensions, state benefits, and student scholarships were paid timely and fully.

With the framework of the «Program of the President of Turkmenistan on socio-economic development of the country for 2019–2025» the work at 42 projects expected to be built was completed, 276 were reconstructed and the work at 167 projects continues.

In the course of the year, which successfully passed under the motto “Turkmenistan-Homeland of Peace and Trust” and under the sign of the 30th anniversary of independence of our fatherland, the issues connected with construction and timely commissioning of different projects in the capital and regions of the country were held under a strict control. For 2021, a total of 73 large industrial and social projects were commissioned into operation.

Addressing Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Serdar Berdimuhamedov and all other heads, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the main goal is first of all, at the expense of intensive development of sectors, digitization and diversification of economy, to work to further enhance the economic potential of the country, to maintain socio-economic development, to achieve paces of growth of GDP by at least 6 per cent and to raise revenues of the state and develop market economy.

Along with that, necessity of rise of volume of investment in research and experimental and development work as well as importance of further improvement of structures of management of economy, training of new young executive personnel were marked.

Head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the necessity of preparation of the new National program of the President of Turkmenistan on transformation of social and living conditions of villages, settlements, cities of districts and district centres for the period till 2027 and making as much investment as possible in its realization.

Further, the leader of the nation signed the Resolution on approval of the Program on socio-economic development of the country for 2022.

Expressing a deep gratitude to the head of the state for adoption of this most important document, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Serdar Berdimuhamedov assured that he would further make all efforts for successful implementation of the goals outlined in the program.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Sh.Abdrahmanov reported on the outcome of the work carried out for 2021 in the sectors he supervises.

The Deputy-Chairman reported on the technical and economic indices reached in the field of production of oil and gas condensate as well as oil refining. In the period under review, the production plan for petrol was fulfilled by 105 per cent, bitumen by 142, 3 per cent and polypropylene by 105, 9 per cent.

For the period under report, the production plan for oil and associated gas was implemented by 120, 1 per cent, export of the “blue fuel” by 129, 8 per cent and realization of investment by 109 per cent. The information on volumes of production of diesel fuel and liquefied gas was also delivered.

The Deputy-Chairman of the head of the Government reported that by the outcome of 2021, the highest index of product of natural gas for the years of independence -83 billion 772,9 million cubic meters, was reached.

The information that in the past year adjustment of production of polypropylene film covered with nacre and aluminium , aviation kerosene of mark Jet A-1, semisynthetic lubricant oil of mark «Turkmenoil Advance 5W-40», marine fuel, high octane alkylation petrol, petrol of mark А-98, meeting the standards of Euro-6, was also mentioned.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov reported on the outcome of the work in construction, industrial and energy complexes, «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern for January- December of 2021.

For the period under reporting, the production plan for manufacture and fulfilment of work in the construction and industrial sector was implemented by 136,5 per cent.

In particular, by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture the plan for the work carried out for the past year was fulfilled by 113, 6 per cent.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production fulfilled the plan for manufacture of goods and realization of the work by 130, 9 per cent.

For the period under accounting, the Ministry of Energy fulfilled the plan for manufacture of goods, realization of work and services by 133, 9 per cent.

The pace of growth of production of power energy made up 111, 5 per cent and its export -136, 4 per cent.

«Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern implemented its plan for production and services by 143, 9 per cent.

As was pointed out, in 2021, marked with the glorious 30th anniversary of sacred independence, all over the country 73 largest projects were commissioned into operation. Among them are Akhal- Balkan high voltage transmission line, which has become an important link creating a power grid system of the country and the gas turbine power energy station with a capacity of 432 megawatts built in Charjev district of Lebap region. To the 140th anniversary of foundation of white marble-coated Ashgabat the opening of a new complex of two- storey houses erected in the northern part of the capital was timed.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov submitted the draft of the resolution “On approval of the Investment program of Turkmenistan for 2022” for consideration.

The volume of capital investment, at the expense of all sources of financing, will make up about 40 billion manats. Construction and reconstruction of plants, factories, hospitals, centres, health homes, preschool establishments, secondary schools, culture centres, an administration centre, new settlements and residential houses are expected.

To the applauds of participants of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signs the Resolution on approval of the Investment program for 2022.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on the outcome of the work carried out by the enterprises under his supervision for 2021.

The plan for the accounting period for services and production by the given complex was fulfilled by 107, 4 per cent and for investment by 104, 8 per cent.

The plan for cargo transportation by all modes of transport was implemented by 112, 8 per cent, for freight turnover by 107, 1 per cent.

The pace of growth in the sphere of services for the past year by «Türkmendemirýollary» Agency made up 119, 2 per cent. By railway 138, 7 per cent of cargo was sent abroad, 126, 1 per cent of cargo was delivered and transit cargo made up 166, 2 per cent.

According to the “Türkmenawtoulaglary” Agency, the growth rate in the provision of services is 142.3 percent. Compared to 2020, the indicator of foreign vehicles entering our country reached 207.6 percent, and domestic vehicles leaving the country - 163.5 percent.

Relevant work was carried out by the “Türkmenhowaýollary” Agency.

According to the “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” Agency, for the reporting period, the growth rate for the provision of transport services amounted to 103.4 percent, and for cargo transportation through the International Port of Turkmenbashi - 110.4 percent.

For 2021, the growth rate for the provision of communication services for the “Türkmenaragatnaşyk” Agency is 110.4 percent.

During the indicated period, a Boeing 777-200LR passenger airliner, Ansat and MI-17-1W medical helicopters, a Rahat high-speed passenger ship, Hyundai city buses and Toyota Corolla taxis were purchased along with freight and passenger diesel locomotives.

The modern transport, communication and logistics industries created in the Motherland should be focused on the development of international cooperation, increasing the economic and export potential of the Turkmen state, the President of the country emphasized.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the results of the work of the ministries and departments of the trade and textile complexes, as well as the business sector for 2021.

According to the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the growth in trade volume amounted to 118.8 percent, production - 111.6 percent.

During the period under review, the growth in the volume of goods produced by the enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry is 125 percent. High-tech textile complexes were put into operation in the Kaahka and Babadaykhan etraps of the Ahal velayat, meeting the objectives set forth for the industry to increase the output of export-oriented products.

Also, existing industry enterprises are equipped with modern equipment, which has led to an increase in their capacity. The growth rate of export products amounted to 138.4 percent.

Over the past year, in order to strengthen the material and technical base of the Türkmenhaly State Association, carpet production enterprises were built and put into operation in the Baherden etrap of the Ahal velayat, the Gubadag etrap of the Dashoguz velayat, and the Bayramali etrap of the Mary velayat. As a result, 28351 square meters of carpets and rugs were woven by subordinate enterprises, the plan was fulfilled by 110.7 percent.

During the reporting period, the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange held 300 trading sessions, 159 foreign companies took part in exchange trading.

In January-December 2021, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized 9 exhibitions and 49 conferences. Among them is an international review within the framework of the third Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, held in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, as well as the National Pavilion of Turkmenistan at the World Exhibition EXPO-2020, held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

Thus, according to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the growth rate of agricultural and food production for 2021 amounted to 115.7 percent, and industrial production – to 117.8 percent.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on the results of the work of the sphere under her supervision in 2021.

In honor of the 140th anniversary of the Turkmen capital, the Türkmenfilm Association named after Oguz Khan held the film festival of short feature films “Aşgabat bahary” and the film week “Aşgabadyň waspy kino sungatynda”.

In the Balkan, Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, the buildings of “Türkmeniň ak öýi” were solemnly put into operation. In June, the Week of Culture was held in the Lebap velayat and, within its framework, the premiere performance of the opera “Gul-Bilbil” was held. In honor of the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi, a number of other cultural events were held.

The ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition of the President of Turkmenistan “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” was held, with the television competition of amateur young performers “Ýaňlan, Diýarym!” and a review of young talents “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri” organized within its framework. At the end of the year, the traditional competition “Ýylyň parlak ýyldyzy” was held among young pop singers and amateur performers of the country.

The opening ceremony of the new complex of the State Tribune was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, where festive celebrations were held on September 27th.

During the reporting period, presentations of the books of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Ak şäherim Aşgabat” and “Garaşsyzlyk – bagtymyz”, the conference “Arkadagyň parahatlyk ýörelgesi - dünýä nusgalyk görelde”, dedicated to the poem of the head of state “Ýaşasyn, parahat durmuş!”, were organized.

Relevant work has been carried out to fulfill the tasks arising from state programs, as well as to improve the professional level of employees. Departments of “Digital technologies and information security” were created in the structure of the Ministry and departments of the sphere of culture. The measures provided for in the Provision on State Regulation of the Provision of Cultural Services at Weddings and Other Celebrations have been taken.

Various meetings, seminars and conferences were held using the digital system, a number of documents on international cooperation were signed. Students of specialized universities, taking part in international competitions online, were awarded prizes.

Fruitful cooperation with UNESCO resulted in the inclusion of the craft of making dutar, performing musical art on it and the art of bakhshi in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Valuable finds discovered in the course of the archaeological surveys, after scientific analyzes and corresponding restoration work, were transferred to the state museums of the country in a solemn atmosphere.

The plan for the Turkmen State Publishing Service was fulfilled by 100.2 percent. Relevant work has been carried out to inform the population of information from newspapers and magazines in electronic format, as well as to combine some of them.

Within the framework of cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, as well as in accordance with previously signed documents, media forums and other specialized events were held via the digital system.

The leader of the nation emphasized, that new theatrical performances, plays, musical and song concerts should be prepared before the holidays. It is also necessary to organize more creative meetings, scientific conferences, exhibitions, competitions, theatrical performances and musical and song celebrations glorifying our Motherland and the courageous Turkmen people.

Much attention should also be paid to improving the quality of news broadcast on TV and radio channels, which should cover the positive changes taking place in our society. In accordance with the motto of the year, the grandiose successes and achievements of the Fatherland over the past thirty years should be widely covered.

The President of the country ordered to continue the cooperation of the State News Agency with the leading news agencies of foreign countries.

It is important to strengthen friendly and fraternal ties between workers of culture and arts from different countries of the world, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, instructing to hold the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan abroad and similar events in our country more often.

Broad coverage of our international initiatives aimed at strengthening global peace and neutrality of our Motherland, as well as important events in domestic and foreign policy, is necessary to promote their effective implementation, the head of state stressed.

Separate instructions were given regarding the conduct of extensive explanatory work among the population on personal hygiene issues, measures taken to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toylyev reported on the work carried out in 2021 in the areas of education, science, healthcare and sports supervised by him.

A solid foundation for the quality education of the younger generation was created by the Regulations on State Vocational Educational Institutions approved by the President of the country, and the transfer of individual universities to self-financing.

During the reporting period, Olympiads in basic academic subjects were held in general educational institutions. Student youth and schoolchildren, having successfully performed at international subject Olympiads, were awarded gold, silver, bronze medals and diplomas of various degrees.

Last year, new books and teaching aids were published, and young scientists were admitted to graduate school; 57 young talented scientists and students have been declared winners of the annual scientific competition among the youth of Turkmenistan.

The initiative of the Turkmen leader to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet Magtymguly Fragi received wide support from the international scientific community.

In the health sector, a new edition of the State Program “Saglyk” was adopted, the National Program to Improve the Immunity of the Population in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, the National Strategy “Healthy Mother - Healthy Child - Healthy Future” and the National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025 were approved.

Last year, the construction of modern healthcare facilities throughout the country continued. A new building of the infectious disease hospital was opened in the city of Turkmenbashi along with a new hospital in the Magtymguly etrap of the Balkan velayat.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov initiated the construction of the International Scientific and Clinical Center for Physiology and the International Medical and Rehabilitation Center.

New ambulances were received by pediatric departments of hospitals in all five velayats.

The achievements of domestic sports in the reporting period include successful participation of Turkmen athletes in international sports competitions, including the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo (Japan), which further raised the sports prestige of our country.

Despite the pandemic, we need to focus on developing new curricula in important areas such as finance, agriculture, industry and the electronics industry. To this end, it is necessary to constantly study and generalize the best national and international experience. It is also necessary to implement joint educational programs in partnership with the world's leading universities to train specialists in new areas. Our research institutes should be involved in this work, the head of state stressed.

The head of state placed special emphasis on the need to intensify work on studying the dynamics of development of possible earthquake zones in the process of developing the current seismotectonic status, monitoring and evaluating seismic, geodynamic, electromagnetic, hydrodynamic and geochemical parameters of the earth's crust.

Then the reports of the heads of the regional administrations were heard.

The first to report was Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Y. Gurbanov, who reported on the state of affairs and the results of the work carried out in 2021. In particular, as part of the implementation of the tasks arising from the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025”, the growth rate of industrial production at the enterprises of the velayat compared to 2020 amounted to 134.3 percent. The volume of retail trade turnover amounted to 116.4 percent.

In order to make a worthy contribution to ensuring food abundance in the country, it is planned to obtain 400 thousand tons of grain from 195 thousand hectares of fields sown with winter wheat. In addition, only 28 thousand 310 hectares were allocated for sowing potatoes and other crops this year in the velayat.

Hyakim of the Balkan velayat T. Atakhalliyev reported on the results of the work done in the western region over the past year, as well as the construction and commissioning of a number of industrial and socio-cultural facilities, residential buildings under the National Rural Program. The new buildings include the Türkmeniň ak öýi building in the city of Balkanabat, the Balkan Velayat Center of the International Association of Turkmen Alabai, the new high-voltage double-circuit overhead power line Ahal-Balkan in the Avaza etrap, a 100-bed infectious diseases hospital in the city of Turkmenbashi, a multidisciplinary hospital in the Magtymguly etrap and a health house.

Hyakim of the Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov reported on the results of the work done in 2021. As reported, the growth rate of industrial enterprises compared to 2020 amounted to 111 percent. The volume of trade turnover in the domestic market is 116.5 percent. In accordance with the National Rural Program, the annual plan for the development of investment funds was completed by 238.5 percent.

In 2021, 145 thousand hectares were sown with winter wheat, it is planned to obtain 265 thousand tons of grain from the lands. 140,000 hectares of fields have been allotted for spring sowing of cotton, with a plan to harvest 275,000 tons of crops.

Hyakim of the Lebap velayat Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the results of the work carried out over the past year. As reported, the plan for the development of investment funds within the framework of the tasks defined in the Program for the socio-economic development of the regions was completed by 153.1 percent.

During 2021, a gas compressor station with a capacity of 30 billion cubic meters per year at the Malay gas field, a gas turbine power plant with a production capacity of 432 megawatts, an international airport in the city of Kerki, the Türkmeniň ak öýi building in the city of Turkmenabat, a children's entertainment center in Farab etrap, as well as residential buildings of superior comfort have been put into operation.

Then, hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiev reported on the results of the work done in 2021, noting, in particular, that the volume of products manufactured by industrial enterprises increased by 14.1 percent compared to 2020.

The hyakim also said that 170,000 hectares were sown with winter wheat in the velayat, in accordance with the plan, it is planned to get 345,000 tons of crops from them. This year, the velayat has allocated 165,000 hectares for cotton sowing, and 28,170 hectares will be sown with potatoes, vegetables, melons and other crops. This will be a worthy contribution to ensuring food abundance in the country.

At the end of the speeches of the hyakims of the velayats, a break was announced, during which the participants of the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan took part in a festive sadaka on the occasion of this important political event of historical significance.

Following the centuries-old traditions, the mufti of Turkmenistan read the ritual prayer “tebarek”, asking the Almighty for the well-being of the country, the happy life of the people, and the achievement of new successes in all areas. This was another evidence that all historical events of great importance in the life of our society are necessarily held in accordance with the original national traditions.

Following centuries-old traditions, the Mufti of Turkmenistan read the tebyarek ritual moleben, asking the Almighty for the welfare of the country, a happy life of the people, achieving new successes in all spheres. It testifies once again that all historical events of great importance in the life of our society are compulsorily held in accordance with the primordial national traditions.

According to tradition, a ritual prayer was offered at the end of the meal.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov thanked the bakhshi musicians who, playing the dutar, gave the sadaka participants the opportunity to savor with the gentle sounds of folk melodies.

Recalling that our people have an ancient tradition, reinforced by the wise phrase – Toýdan topukça, according to which those who came to the bakhshi festival are presented gifts as a sign of great gratitude, the leader of the nation ordered to grant the musicians.

At the end of the festive sadaka, the head of state noted that on the occasion of today’s important event, the reading of Sabbatical namaz will be held in the capital’s Hezreti Omar mosque and in all velayat mosques.

Festive sadakas were also held in all velayats of the country.

Then, after sadaka, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.Orazgeldiyev continued the extended Government session, who reported on the results of the work of the supervised industries in 2021, as well as on the progress of reforms in agriculture and seasonal work being carried out in the velayats.

In the agro-industrial complex as a whole, the growth rate of production volumes, work performed and services amounted to 107.8 percent. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, this figure reached 108.1 percent, the State Committee of Water Management – 105.2 percent, the Türkmen Atlary State Association – 102.4 percent. In addition, there have been implemented plans to harvest wheat – 1,485 thousand tons, cotton – 1,280 thousand tons, rice – 86 thousand tons, as well as cocoons – 2,131 tons.

Then the mayor of Ashgabat, R. Gandymov, reported on the results of the work executed in 2021 on the comprehensive improvement of the capital.

A detailed report was made on the development of investments, measures being implemented to increase the pace of construction of facilities, as well as on the implementation of the production plan by self-supporting enterprises and institutions by 146.3 percent.

Then Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the results of the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 2021, anticipating the report, cordially congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the 15th anniversary of his election to the highest state post and wished him new outstanding successes in his large-scale activities for the benefit of the Motherland and the people.

At the same time, it is necessary to continue to develop relations with the countries of the Caspian region, to develop new methods and vectors of cooperation. In this aspect, it is necessary to carry out proper work in order to ensure a high organizational level and content of the 6th Summit of the heads of the Caspian states in Turkmenistan in 2022, the leader of the nation emphasized.

Then the floor was given to the Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova, who informed about the activities to improve the country’s legislation in 2021.

Four meetings of the Mejlis were held, 123 documents were adopted, including 71 laws and 52 resolutions of the Mejlis regulating public relations in various spheres of life of the state and society.

Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh K.Babayev reported on the comprehensive work carried out by this structure in 2021.

Members of the Halk Maslahaty conduct explanatory and propaganda activities, regularly participating in conferences, meetings and other public events.

“The Mejlis and the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, should prepare well for the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of Central Asian Countries and the Russian Federation, which is scheduled to be held in May 2022. Within the framework of this Forum, it is planned to hold a Dialogue between women from Central Asian countries and the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to draft the agenda of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum and work in this direction in close cooperation with the Government of the country,” the leader of the nation underlined.

Gross domestic product growth was 6.2 percent last year.

Noting that the country has increased the size of wages, pensions and state benefits, the head of state emphasized that in 2021 in Turkmenistan, compared with 2007, the average wage increased by 366.3 percent, and the allocated funds for the payment of pensions and state benefits for the 2008-2021 period increased by 1,054 percent. Since January 1 of this year, the implementation of specific measures to increase the material well-being of mothers with many children has begun.

The indicator for the volume of disbursed investments at the expense of all sources of financing is 24.6 billion manats.

The leader of the nation noted with satisfaction that last year, instead of the planned 30 facilities, 73 large structures with a total cost of 13 billion manats were put into operation.

Then, addressing the meeting participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov recalled that, as you know, at the beginning of last year, a traditional competition was announced to determine among etraps and cities with etrap rights in the velayats the best of them in terms of social, economic and cultural indicators. Noting that a special commission under the leadership of Trade Unions summed up the results of this review, the head of state gave the floor for a report to the Chairwoman of the National Center of Trade Unions A.Durdyeva.

According to the results of the competition, the winner was determined by the Dyanev etrap of the Lebap velayat.

After hearing the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, to the applause of the meeting participants, signed an Order awarding a cash prize of 1 million US dollars to the khyakimlik of the Dianev etrap of the Lebap velayat and announcing a similar competition in 2022.

Then during afternoon in the capital, under the chairmanship of the President of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan continued.

The main issue on the agenda was the discussion and approval of the National Program of the main directions of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052.

Then the head of state delivered a big keynote speech to the meeting participants.

Declaring that this historic Program will be adopted today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused the attention of the meeting participants on the priority aspects of this document.

Our country will actively implement the new philosophy of international relations formed by us, based on clearly verified political criteria, healthy, positive pragmatism, universally recognized and understandable human values.

Within the framework of cooperation with the UN, for the sake of the well-being of all mankind, the implementation of the Millennium Goals will continue. At the same time, the issues of ensuring a peaceful and free life of people will always be foremost.

Our strategic plan for the future calls on us to solve our tasks on a daily basis. Life shows that correctly set goals lead to success, the head of state said.

“We will form a new social model of development that will ensure high standards of living for Turkmen citizens,” the leader of the nation said.

In the future, reforms aimed at diversifying the national economy based on innovation will be continued, advanced technologies will be widely introduced, new economic relations will be formed. This will ensure the transition to new principles of economic strategy, modernization of the macroeconomic policy of the state.

Speaking about plans for the future, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the fact that the budget policy will be improved, that will allow the state budget to focus on promising national projects.

One of the most important issues is the further promotion of environmental diplomacy, the leader of the nation continued, noting that active and fruitful cooperation in this direction with international organizations will continue. At the same time, activities in accordance with The Hague Convention will remain relevant. As it was emphasized, the interstate dialogue on rational water use, environmental protection and improvement, adaptation to climate change, global warming, combating desertification, improving land reclamation, landscaping will continue to develop.

“We will ensure a significant increase in yields due to the introduction of new technologies. It is expected to introduce new scientific, technological, managerial achievements in animal husbandry,” the leader of the nation said.

The main areas of work were the continuation of a thorough study of advanced scientific experience in solving water supply problems, the introduction of modern technologies for the extraction and prudent use of groundwater, a comprehensive transition to moisture-saving technologies.

As the leader of the nation noted, in 2021, 63 percent of the entire world’s population used the Internet. Among them is the population of our country. Future expansion of cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union will create even more opportunities for Internet users.

In the field of healthcare, the nation’s leader continued, it should be taken into account what we have achieved over the past years and work together with partners to develop a special program of the World Health Organization to study the coronavirus genome and the WHO multilateral mechanism to combat pneumonia. At the same time, it was noted that it was necessary to establish the functioning of the methodological center of the World Health Organization for the treatment and Prevention of acute infections and the Central Asian Regional Center for Epidemiology, Virology and Bacteriology in the future.

Thus, the development of science, education, healthcare, the popularization of cultural values and active, fruitful cooperation in these areas will continue to be the main tools of our scientific, educational, medical and cultural diplomacy.

“Everything I’ve observed above is my vision of the prospects for the development of our country. This is my new political course. Therefore, we will continue to work purposefully and with inspiration,” the leader of the nation said.

As the head of state noted, special hope is placed on our youth. Because the younger generation is the embodiment of all our hopes for the future. Everything we do today is done for our young people. Most of them are of the same age as our independent Turkmenistan. Soon they will become mature citizens of our country, who will take an active part in the implementation of the tasks we have outlined. And they will have to determine the further path of our Motherland.

The older generation should help the younger ones to follow the right path, and love the Motherland. Our youth will have to be guided by them, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

In this context, the national leader emphasized that our glorious ancestors paid special attention to the upbringing of the younger generation. Their wise words, which have come down to our days through many centuries, have a very deep meaning. In the upbringing of the younger generation, the role of such proverbs, as “The example of elders is a vital principle for generations”, “If a student does not surpass a mentor, then the craft will disappear”, “The fathers’ traditions are priceless, and those who love them love the Motherland!”, “The generations’ valor is the people’s honor”, has much power. The meaning embedded in the proverbs that I have just voiced should be a vital principle for future generations. These generations should enrich our progress and achievements even more, reach even more significant heights and raise the authority of our independent Motherland even more!

“Our future is with our youth. In the Anthem of our country, we have also expressed the important responsibility that falls to the young generation in the future,” President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, reciting lines from it:

We are not afraid of storms, adversities of times,

Let's preserve and multiply glory and honor!

This once again proves that the future of the Turkmen state depends on our youth, our descendants and their responsibility for the fate of the sacred Motherland!

In continuation, the leader of the nation underlined that a talented generation of young people has been formed thanks to our progressive policy. This gives us a great opportunity to preserve our human potential and continue the progressive path of prosperity of our sovereign Motherland.

“As you know, exactly 15 years ago, on February 11, 2007, the elections of the President of Turkmenistan were held in our country. Then my native people elected me to the highest state post, thereby showing great confidence,” the leader of the nation said, emphasizing that he clearly felt this support at the national elections of 2012 and 2017.

During this time, thanks to this great faith and the direct support of our united people, having identified as the main principle of the policy “The State is for Man!”, we have made significant steps on a new path of development, implemented ambitious programs and major international projects. All the work was aimed at reaching new heights on the path of independent development, further improving the living standards of the people, increasing the economic power of the Motherland and multiplying its authority on the world stage. With the active participation of our courageous compatriots, programs have been successfully realized and are being implemented in this direction.

“For 15 years already I have been working at the highest and very responsible post of the President of Turkmenistan, simultaneously acting as Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the State Security Council, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan,” said the nation’s leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

As you know, the head of state continued, two years ago I reached the age of a Prophet. In this regard, the country’s President announced a difficult decision for him.

Noting that he fully supports the opinion on the need to open the way to public administration at a new stage of our country’s development to young leaders brought up in a spiritual environment and in accordance with the high requirements of modernity, the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced his intention to use his vast life and political experience as Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty.

We connect not only our future with the youth, but also the present. The greatness of each state is determined by the generation that it has nurtured, the President of Turkmenistan continued, noting that today our patriotic youth, possessing modern sciences and knowledge, a broad outlook, manifests itself in all areas.

Deeply honoring the national heritage, representatives of the younger generation are distinguished by the fact that they adequately cope with the diverse and rapidly changing realities of time.

– Youth is the present and future of our state.

– Youth is a worthy successor of our endeavors.

– Where the wisdom, rich experience of the older generation and the energy of youth converge, there are no unattainable goals and unreachable milestones!

Deeply cherishing the national heritage, representatives of the younger generation are characterized by the high adaptability to the versatile and rapidly changing realities of the time.

– Youth is the present and future of our state.

– Young people are worthy successors of our undertakings.

– Where wisdom, rich experience of the older generation and the energy of youth meet, there are no unattainable goals and inaccessible frontiers!

As our Homeland is united, so our destiny and future are united, the President of Turkmenistan said, stating that we are all united by one sacred feeling of boundless love for the native land and the people, as well as one great goal to contribute to development of the sacred Homeland, selflessly serve the people, applying all efforts, knowledge and diligence, wherever we are and whatever position we hold.

Serving the people is serving the Almighty, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, emphasizing that he sees the meaning of his whole life in serving his Homeland and the native people.

- What will we call the next period of development of our country? This, of course, is directly related to the inexhaustible love of each of us for our native people, the sacred Homeland , our aspiration for the great goals that we set for ourselves, for the new milestones that we will achieve”, the head of state said.

In accordance with the great goals, the President of Turkmenistan continued, I think it would be very appropriate to call the future period of our country’s development “Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State.

– May our Independent Neutral Homeland continue to go forward on the path of progress, sovereignty and prosperity!

– May our courageous people always live a happy and prosperous life!

With these inspiring words, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov concluded his keynote speech, which was heard with deep attention and welcomed with general prolonged applause.

During the session of the Halk Maslakhaty, the leader of the nation mentioned the great merits of the older generation of Turkmen citizens in strengthening the economic power of the Homeland, in successes achieved in the implementation of state programs for development of all sectors of the economy, and in educating young people in accordance with national traditions and customs.

Speaking about the significant contribution to these exciting achievements of workers in the domestic healthcare system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced the decision to confer the title “Hormatly il ýaşulusy” (People’s Honored Elder) of Turkmenistan on Ataev Gurbannazar, a dentist-therapist at the Children’s Department of the Dental Training and Production Center of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev, taking into consideration his services in strengthening the country’s independence, developing national traditions and customs, enhancing the unity and cohesion of the native people, and educating the younger generation.

Expressing deep gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for doing him the great honor and emphasizing that this is a special responsibility for him, G. Atayev assured that he would continue to apply every effort and ability to carry out the progressive reforms initiated by the head of Turkmen state and implement large-scale programs aimed at strengthening unity and solidarity of the nation, peace and stability in society, the prosperity of the Homeland.

Addressing the forum participants, the head of state informed that the future period of development is called “Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State”. In view of this, the National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052 had been prepared.

Due to the fact that the delegates to the session of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh had already looked through this Program, the leader of the nation stressed that he considers it right to discuss the document once again.

The first to speak was Dovletgeldi Gurbanov, chief specialist at the Serakhs Etrap Technical Maintenance Enterprise of the Agricultural Production Association of Akhal velayat, who said it was a high honor and an unforgettable historical event for him to participate in the Halk Maslakhaty session chaired by the President-Arkadag, where issues of national importance had been reviewed.

Then the floor was given to Eziz Matdyev, a sailor of the passenger ship “Rowaç” of the Closed Joint-Stock Company “Deňiz söwda floty” of the “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” Agency, who said it was a great honor for him to speak on behalf of the workers in the transport and communications sector from the high platform of the session of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh.

Tazegul Aramedova, a teacher at the secondary school No. 65 of Gorogly etrap, Dashoguz velayat, who then spoke, said she was proud and happy that she, a young teacher, had the high honor to take part in such a representative forum.

During the meeting, the head of state informed that in order to further promote the country’s prosperity, the Resolution on Approval of the Program “Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052” will be adopted.

Then the leader of the nation signed the relevant document to a storm of applause.

Further, the Halk Maslakhaty session was continued by the speeches delivered by the delegates.

People’s Honored Elder Gurbangeldi Aliyev, a resident of Akhal velayat, emphasizing the importance of adopting the Program for Socio-Economic Development of the Country for the Next 30 Years, cited a folk wisdom “The people who have a goal will achieve it”.

Further, the floor was given to Dursun Begcherova, a resident of the city of Gumdag, Balkan velayat, who pointed out that the new National Program for Socio-Economic Development of the Country for the Next 30 Years, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, would be a worthy continuation of the policy, the main principle of which is “State for people!”.

Honored Elder of Turkmenistan, pensioner Khenip Zahyrov, a resident of Gorogly etrap, Dashoguz velayat, who then spoke, emphasized that the meeting participants heard the historic speech of the head of state with deep attention and enthusiasm.

Further, Annagul Kullyeva, the Director of Kindergarten No. 7 “Diyar” in Khojambaz etrap, Lebap velayat, in her speech emphasized that all those present are sincerely proud to take part today in the historic session of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh, which will be written in gold letters in the newest chronicle of our sovereign Homeland.

Then the floor was given to Honored Elder of Turkmenistan, pensioner Khezretguly Ovlyagulyev, a resident of Yoloten etrap, Mary velayat, who highlighted that the today’s historic speech by the head of state once again deeply analyzed the grandiose achievements of the Homeland over 30 years of its sacred independence.

Further, the floor was given to Charyguly Ataev, a resident of Ashgabat who stressed that holding a historic session, which in essence is a meeting with the people of the country, is an illustration of the political will and wisdom of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Further, addressing the audience, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out that the proposal on the participation of young people in the further government of the state, offered during the forum, was approved. In this regard, the Chairperson of the Central Commission for Holding Elections and Referenda was instructed to start the relevant work in accordance with the Constitution and legislation of Turkmenistan.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the audience and all compatriots with a closing speech. According to the head of state, today, following the primordial traditions and customs, a significant meeting for the state was once again held by all the people and in unity, at which issues related to the future destiny of the country were discussed.

Thanking the delegates to the forum, and especially those who directly participated in its work and organized holding, the President of Turkmenistan wished all of them sound health, family wellbeing and great success in the lofty efforts for further prosperity of the Homeland.

Thereupon, the head of state declared the session of the Halk Maslakhaty closed.

Its final chord was the re-played National Anthem of Turkmenistan, the majestic sounds of which evoke a feeling of sincere pride for the Homeland in the heart of every citizen of the country, under the leadership of the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, confidently going along the path of peace, creation and progress towards a higher leel of development.