Ï International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country

International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country

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International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country
International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country
International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country
International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country
International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country
International media forum dedicated to the motto of the year of our country

Today, an international media forum was held in the capital in an online format dedicated to the motto of the year “The era of the people with Arkadag” and the role of the media in the world community in the context of the development of Turkmenistan.

The main topic of discussion for representatives of the national media, as well as journalists accredited in our country, scientists and public figures, the teaching staff of Turkmen universities was the role of the media in the development of Turkmenistan, the importance for the world community of the permanent neutrality of our country, accumulated over the years since gaining this status is a positive experience, the successes achieved under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), TRT AVAZ, TASS, China Media Corporation CGTN-Russian, Jaheen's & Click Media”, informational TV channel “Mir 24”, international TV company “Setanta Sports”, etc.

Live broadcast from the exhibition pavilion of Turkmenistan in the city of Dubai, where the World Exhibition "EXPO-2020" is being held, from which journalists from the countries participating in the international exposition also joined, also testifies to the openness of our Motherland for broad discussions, about the readiness to accept different opinions.

Highly appreciating the level of established interaction in the media space, the forum participants noted that, in accordance with its foreign policy course aimed at establishing friendly and trusting relations with the peoples of the planet, Turkmenistan has established a regular exchange of news, review and analytical materials with foreign media on economic, social and cultural and humanitarian life.

Together with partners - the largest news agencies, leading publications, television channels - complex work is being carried out. It includes the wide popularization in the world of the constructive domestic and foreign policy pursued under the leadership of the leader of the nation, the active integration of our country into the global information space by publishing materials in the world's popular print and electronic media, online publications about the achievements of our dynamically developing Motherland.

Foreign participants emphasized that the motto of the year of the state harmoniously combines the spirit, mentality, moral values and heritage of the Turkmen people with the innovations of the present and opens up prospects for the rapid development of the country.

Mutual opinion was expressed that such meetings provide a good opportunity to comprehensively discuss the experience and results achieved in this area, contribute to strengthening mutual understanding, and make it possible to outline directions for further partnership based on common goals.

It should be noted that, in accordance with the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a lot of work is being done to improve the professional level of domestic media, study and actively apply best practices for the development of national journalism through digital technologies, which provide great opportunities for interaction in the global information space.

As the speakers emphasized, in the year passing under the motto “The era of the people with Arkadag”, communication in this format will become an important platform for the exchange of views on a wide range of issues and will give a new impetus to the development of information ties between countries and regions.

Within the framework of the media forum, the audience was briefly acquainted with the achievements of Turkmenistan over the years of independence, its key principles, which were embodied and developed in the policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Thanking for the organization of such an important event, leading international experts and representatives of national and foreign mass media expressed their common interest in strengthening contacts, emphasizing the need for systematic holding of such meetings.