Ï Role of national heritage in social and economic progress of Turkmen society in specialized publications

Role of national heritage in social and economic progress of Turkmen society in specialized publications

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The current year called by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as Year of Respect of Heritage and transformation of the Motherland, presented opportunity to re-evaluate cultural and historical values of our people from position of new age. Universal ideals and patriotic message put by the Leader of the Nation to the idea of the Year, added strong impulse to modern trends in social life, having given more important role to national heritage and historical experience in social and economic progress of Turkmen society.

Formulating main issues in this sphere, the Head of the State promotes general idea to find and implement hitherto unopened potential in cultural treasury inherited by us from ancient ancestors.

Important role at this is given to publishing and mass media, specialized periodic literature, publications of scientists and researchers, local history specialists and popularizers of historical and cultural heritage.

National woman dress; history and modernity

Among new book releases of Year of Honour of heritage and Transformation of the Motherland, there is publication “Mirasyň bezegi – türkmen zenany” dedicated to woman national dress as integral part of material and spiritual culture of Turkmen people.

The book is opened by citation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov where the meaning of samples of applied national art that absorbed philosophy and culture of Turkmen people is highlighted:

“Beautiful colours of sunny Turkmen spring, history of people, heroism of the nation, its deep philosophy were reflected in wonderful works made by Turkmen girls and women – Keshte embroideries, unique patterns of Turkmen carpet”

The publication includes numerous photos with explanations presenting original encyclopaedia of Turkmen woman dress. Pictures of casual and ceremonial dress including headgear, shoes, gowns, jewelleries placed on pages of photo album; it speaks about traditional fabrics and methods of cutting, special features of weaving, embroidery and knitting. Information on art language, rules of dressing, social and ritual functions of national dress can be obtained from the publication.

Photo materials from the funds of State Central Archive and pictures of museum expositions are presented in the book. Artefacts found during archaeological expeditions were used for description of samples of national dress. Archive materials organically combined with modern photo illustrations not only reveal the history of woman dress but also highlight the succession of traditions.

In foreword of current edition, the authors stressed the attention that woman dress is important component of material and cultural heritage of Turkmens retained through the centuries and kept until our time.

Today, many large museums of USA, Great Britain and Egypt keep the samples of ancient silks made in Merv, which was famous throughout medieval East not only as city of beautiful mausoleums, largest libraries and observatories but as setter of trends and ethic traditions and high artistic culture as well. Both woman and some parts of man dress was made of “keteni” that was widely used over centuries.

Turkmen national dress is unique phenomenon of culture and life of our people characterizing its customs, way of life, reflection of ethical world-view. While acquainting with traditional dress of women and girls, specific characters of art expressiveness, symbols and ritual functions, we touch upon the innermost soul of the people. Revealing the secrets of mastery, we have opportunity to get valuable lesson from the past and enrich ourselves by wisdom and talent of our ancestors.

Various expositions of ethnographic halls of our museums give clear vision that Turkmen dress culture was high from both beauty point and quality; it was made of homespun fabric and decorated by clever embroideries, which patterns had symbolical meaning. Luxuriously ornamented woman dress was deeply aesthetically acceptable. Original and elegant jewelleries following women throughout their life were integral part of national dress.

The traditional dress has changed over time; some of elements were getting old and replaced with new ones. However, until today it kept the features of ethnical belonging emerged in the process of historical development. Revived folk subject in modern fashion sounds lofty and noble. New fabric is used, the cut of dress is being changed but embroidery traditionally remains. Addressing folk art, fashion designers create emotional bright image of modern Turkmen woman revealing inexhaustible treasury for themselves. This is proven by vivid pictures on the pages of «Mirasyň bezegi – türkmen zenany» publication.

The book, prepared for issue by Central Council of Female Union and published by “Ylym” publishing house, include dictionary explaining the meaning of elements of national dress, process of making, weaving, embroidery, etc.

Undoubtedly, «Mirasyň bezegi – türkmen zenany» is great present for those who is interested in inexhaustible resources of cultural heritage of Turkmen people. New edition is also summoned to promote aesthetic education of growing generation, inculcation of love of native culture and its unfading values.

“Miras” magazine

Materials of famous native and international scientists, printed on the pages of quarterly popular science issue of National institute of manuscripts of Academy of Sciences, introduce reading auditory to new discoveries and research results of historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, covering in Turkmen, Russian and English languages the most important milestones of foundation and development of our state in line with universal progress of human civilization.

Thus, “New discoveries and researches” Article presents publication of professor of Jumhuriet University (Republic of Turkey) B. Yucel dedicated to literature works of great warlord and founder of the Empire of Great Moguls Zahireddin Muhammed Babur who created the sample of first autobiographic genre in historical literature “Baburnama” and poetical work “Divan”. Discovering outstanding writing talent of author, the researcher notes that these works, having reflected philosophic outlook of Babur to such important subjects as foundation of state and provision of its prosperity, have importance of most valuable historical document of its time.

Analytical article of Doctor of Philosophy from Institute of oriental studies named after Abu Reyhan Biruni of Academy of Science of Republic of Uzbekistan R. Bahodirov continues the series of publications of this author in “Miras” magazine. The scientist gives review of the subjects of classification of sciences based on materials of manuscript treatises of scientists of XI – XIII centuries, formation and development of scientific ideas on the territory of Turkmenistan and all over the central Asia.

Material about the history of development of ancient national traditions and rituals of earth worshiping attracts the attention in the same section. This subject acquires special meaning in the context of study and preservation of material and incorporeal spiritual and cultural heritage of Turkmen people, what is one of the most important priorities of state policy led by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The subject of succession of ideological and creative searchings, influence of poetic heritage of classic of Turkmen literature Magtumguly Fragi on development and formation of poetry school of Central Asia peoples were reflected in “Forever Inspired by Poetry of Fragi” work by K. Kurumbaev, the Professor of Karakalpak State teachers' training institute named after Ajiniyaz. The publication, placed under “Interrelation of cultures of peoples and civilizations” section, based on a comparative analysis, speaks of inspired lyre of outstanding Karakalpak poet S. Nurumbetov, who treated the poetry of Magtumguly as sample of art perfectness and incontestable authority.

“From history of language culture” article reviews some aspects of history of development of science discipline “culture of speech” in Turkmenistan in the context of realization of educational reforms and creation of perfect system for training of national personnel in the country.

Brightly illustrated by reproductions of pictorial canvas and photos, another issue of “Miras” magazine concludes traditional review of events in social, scientific and cultural life of the country.

“Democracy and Right” magazine

Turkmen National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the President of Turkmenistan published another issue of “Democracy and Right” magazine in Turkmen, Russian and English languages.

The issue covers key directions of state policy realized by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Thus, speeches of the Head of the State during sessions of Cabinet of Ministers, Constitution Committee for improvement of Constitution of the country, meeting with Mejlis Deputies are published on the pages of the issue.

“Honour of heritage – basis of national development” and “Development of international cultural cooperation of Turkmenistan” articles, reviewing large-scale cultural actions held in the current year, which is called Year of Honour of Heritage and Transformation of the Motherland, are dedicated to international cooperation in cultural sphere as one of the main directions of foreign policy strategy of our country.

Declaration of Dashoguz as cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2016 became one of the most important events. This fact is another evidence of recognition of our country in cultural sphere in the world arena. The publication also describes in details the policy and legal base and interaction of Turkmenistan with different state of the world in this direction.

The articles “Guarantees of social human rights in national legislation”, “Legal bases and economic purpose of privatization”, “Fundamental meaning of justice principles in criminal law” speak of urgency of constitutional reform aimed at formation of modern legislative base. It is mentioned in publications that provision of comprehensive protection of citizens is guaranteed by efficient legislative base, system of legal and law enforcement agencies. It is also promoted by activity of related non-governmental organizations.

There is “Protection of human rights – guarantee of the State” article among publications. The main accent here is made on Resolution adopted by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which approves national Action Plan for human rights in Turkmenistan for 2016 – 2020.

One of the key aspects of state policy of Turkmenistan is provision of efficient social protection of the population including maternity and child protection. Practical measures for further improvement of material well-being and spiritual perfection of family are undertaken in our country in new historical age; all conditions for adequate upbringing of growing generation are created. At the same time, large attention is paid to legal support of the state in provision of women rights for work in accordance with internationally recognized standards. In this relation, the article covering women rights in national legislation is published on the pages of the magazine.

Great attention to the subjects of education of youth in spirit of patriotism, physical and moral development, and realization of guaranteed right for education is paid in our country. “Role of legal education in prevention of juvenile delinquency” article is dedicated to this matter.

Short reviews of different forums held in Ashgabat with participation of representatives of competent international organization dedicated to exchange of experience in legal sphere are published under “Chronicle” section.

The magazine is printed at high polygraphic level at the Centre of Printing of Turkmen State Publishing Service.