Ï Festive concert at the Mukams Palace

Festive concert at the Mukams Palace

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Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace
Festive concert at the Mukams Palace

Today, on the eve of the widely celebrated holiday in Turkmenistan - International Women's Day, a concert of masters of arts dedicated to the glorious daughters of the Motherland was held at the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center.

International Women's Day is celebrated in our country in accordance with national traditions, reflecting the careful and respectful attitude of the Turkmen people to the representatives of the «fair sex» and, first of all, to the woman - Mother. She was always paid tribute and gratitude as the guardian of the family hearth, a wise adviser and faithful friend who stood shoulder to shoulder with men in times of trial and became a muse for them in an epoch of peace and prosperity. As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasizes, since ancient times, Turkmens have revered their mother as a shrine, and it is our duty to adequately continue this wise tradition, carefully passing it on from generation to generation.

Caring for women, improving their social status, ensuring gender equality, in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan and generally recognized norms of international law, are among the priorities of the political course of the independent neutral Turkmen state. In turn, progress in achieving gender equality testifies to the steady process of democratization of our country, which is considered one of the most important conditions for the formation of a healthy and comprehensively developed society committed to the principles of humanism and equality.

Turkmenistan's actions to implement the gender policy are supported at the international level, primarily in the UN.  As you know, in 2021 our country was elected a member of the Executive Board of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women («UN Women») for the period 2022-2024.

An example of the special attention and support of the Turkmen state to mothers of many children was the honorary title «Ene mähri» established by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in 2008, which is annually awarded to women who have given birth and raised eight or more children. On the initiative of the leader of the nation, the Order of Turkmenistan - «Zenan kalby» was also established, the name of which («Women's Soul») emphasizes the high social status of our compatriots.

On the eve of the holiday, solemn ceremonies of presenting monetary gifts on behalf of the head of state to all residents of the country - workers of enterprises and institutions, those who are on a well-deserved rest, schoolgirls and pupils of kindergartens were held across the country. Today, within the framework of honoring the mothers of large families, awarded, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the honorary title «Ene mähri», they were handed the keys to new apartments.

The holiday of March 8 is a wonderful occasion to tell mother, wife, sister, daughter, bride about how beautiful and delightful they are. And art will always help in this, which was clearly demonstrated by the program of the State Concert, the spectators of which were the main characters of the celebration. Among them are labor veterans, production leaders and activists of public organizations, workers of all industries, winners of the «Woman of the Year 2022» contest and other creative and professional reviews, mothers of many children awarded the title «Ene mähri», our older generation whitened with gray hairs and youth. 

«All the flowers of the world, all the poetic and musical dedications to you, beloved women!»  - this is how you can figuratively convey the atmosphere that reigned under the arches of the magnificent hall, on the stage shone which of the best professional creative teams of the country, famous choreographic ensembles and folklore groups, folk musicians, popular pop singers, and young artists. They performed works of national and foreign musical classics, modern and folk songs about women's happiness and fidelity, maternal love and patience, the enduring beauty of the native land and the tender Turkmen spring coming into its own.

The program of the festive concert has become a hymn to a woman - gentle and charming, wise and modest, loving and beloved.

The literary and musical composition «ENÄ TAGZYM - MUKADDESLIGE TAGZYM» performed by soloists of the capital's theaters and dance groups of the country is a dedication to a mother woman. Beauty, touching kindness, nobility of soul and fidelity, inexhaustible love - feelings with which the image of a Turkmen woman is inextricably linked - were sung in a bright mini-performance created based on the book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Worship of the mother - worship of the shrine». The performance of the artists was imbued with great pride for the independent Motherland, in which, thanks to the progressive policy pursued by the leader of the nation, peace and prosperity reign, where the faces of our beautiful women shine with happiness.

A bouquet of musical works of national and foreign classics was presented to the audience by the young violinists of the ensemble «Mukam».  The touching number «BIRDIR DÜNÝÄ ENELERINIŇ ÝÜREGI» was accompanied by the performance of the children's choreographic group "Shovhun" and conveyed the warmth and love of young Turkmen citizens for mothers and grandmothers.

Traditionally, a significant part of the festive program was made up of performances by male artists who enthusiastically and joyfully used this opportunity to express their sincere and kind feelings, creative dedications to the charming, enchanting and modest, wise, faithful and selfless women of the country.

On the stage in honor of lovely women, both masters of musical art and novice, but already popular pop singers shone with their talents.

Witty and sparkling jokes of beautiful ladies pleased the masters of the original genre - comedians.

Bright mini-performances based on folk destans and legends in the issue «ÝÖREÝŞI MESSAN, WASPY MÜŇ DESSAN» were demonstrated by the consolidated ensemble of bakhshi - musicians and the folklore group "Serpay".

The image of a woman in Turkmen art has been and remains one of the central ones, being an object of worship, a source of inspiration. From ancient times, poets and prose writers, musicians and artists of the East equated the incomparable beauty of a woman with the appearance of inaccessible heavenly bodies - the Sun and the Moon, the grace of delightful flowers, sang the bottomless depth of enchanting female eyes. These feelings were superbly conveyed by the quartet of soloists who performed the song «Leyli», based on a poem by the classic poet, «Padishah of Love» - Mollanepes.  The special gentle tonality of the performance was emphasized by the performances of the State Dance Ensemble and the choreographic group «Nyazli».

The presented numbers vividly reflected the connection between the past and the present, traditions and modernity. The performance of soloists and folklore groups from all velayats of the country with the kushtdepdi dance, which embodied all the multicolored colors of the Turkmen spring, warming the eternally young land of our beloved Motherland, greeted the hall with friendly applause.

The powerful final chord of the concert was the song «ARKADAGDAN SARPALY SIZ ZENANLAR!», imbued with great pride for the independent Motherland and the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, on the initiative and under whose leadership grandiose transformations are being carried out in Turkmenistan for the benefit of the people and further prosperity of the Motherland.

These days, festive celebrations to mark the International Women's Day are held on the stage and concert venues of the capital and velayats.