Ï MUGNIR invites students to the Open Mathematics Olympiad

MUGNIR invites students to the Open Mathematics Olympiad

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MUGNIR invites students to the Open Mathematics Olympiad

The International University for the Humanities and Development is organizing the Open Mathematical Olympiad for university students (OMOUS-2022).

Students of Turkmen and foreign universities are invited to participate in it. As expected, the mathematical review will host foreign participants from more than 15 countries of the world. Including from Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Romania, Poland, Greece, Indonesia, China and other countries.

The Olympiad will be held from 27 to 30 April this year. It will be held remotely in Turkmen and English in the form of individual and team tours. An individual tour involves the division of participants into two categories. The first will include students specializing in the study of mathematics and computer science, the second will unite those for whom mathematics is a non-core discipline. Competitors will be offered 6 problems and 240 minutes (4 hours) to solve them.

In team competitions, regardless of the specialty, groups of students (no more than 4 people in each) can participate. Teams will have to solve 10 problems, which will be given two hours (120 minutes).

The number of participants from universities is not limited. For those wishing to participate in the Olympiad, registration is open on the official website of the MUGNiR www.iuhd.edu.tm in the academy/competitions section, which also contains a detailed schedule of the Olympiad and additional contacts for communication with the organizers.

It should be noted that the holding of student olympiads in mathematics MUGNiR has been successfully practicing for more than a year. For example, last year about 600 participants from 84 universities from 17 countries of the world competed at the OMOUS-2021 site. Then, according to the results of individual and team tournaments, Turkmen students were ahead of foreign participants by a significant margin, thanks to which Turkmenistan became the absolute leader of the Olympiad. The largest number of the highest awards of the competition was won by students of the organizing university and the Magtymguly Turkmen State University.

MUGNIR is rightly proud of its student team of experts of the “queen of sciences”, which has repeatedly brilliantly demonstrated knowledge in this area in competitions at various levels. A great merit in this belongs to the head of the university team of Olympiads, a teacher of mathematics at the department of exact and natural sciences of the university, Pirmurat Gurbanov, who has been preparing children for all performances in mathematics for many years.

In this context, one cannot fail to note the achievements of one of the strongest student teams of mathematicians - the team of TSU named after Makhtumkuli and, of course, the role of its leader, head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nurmuhammet Gurbanmammedov.

Other universities of the country, where productive pedagogical and mentoring activities have been established with students, certainly have significant potential in this direction. For example, students of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, the Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan named after Oguzkhan and many other domestic universities are in significant competition with local and foreign colleagues in studying at the sites of mathematical “discussions”.

As teachers and students of the country's higher schools often emphasize, the modern system of national education has created all the necessary conditions for work and study, high-quality training of highly qualified specialists, therefore, the care of the state and the activities of university staff together give high results that multiply the successes and achievements of our people and the country as a whole.