Ï To the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Mary Regional Library

To the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Mary Regional Library

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To the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Mary Regional Library

In 1912, on the basis of the Merv district library, the Mary regional library was created, these days celebrating 110 years since its founding.

For many years, librarians have protected and multiplied the best traditions of enlightenment. Over the years, several generations of specialists have changed. But the goal remained unchanged: familiarization with the book and reading, education of a highly moral person, a patriot of his country.

Thanks to the tireless care of the esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in 2011 the grand opening of a new building of a modern multifunctional library took place.

Having made a glorious historical path from a small building to the largest book depository in the velayat with a book fund of at least three million copies, the library has become an important resource of cultural leisure for the residents of the city of Mary.

Today, the Mary Regional Library can simultaneously receive 600 readers. On three floors there are a book depository, a book workshop, working rooms of special departments, including restoration rooms, nine reading rooms, rooms equipped with computers, conference rooms, a children's room and a separate reading room for honorary elders.

Among other things, the library has a Museum of the History of the Turkmen Book, among the exhibits of which are rare copies and ancient manuscripts.

The modern stylish building is a real decoration of the city. Under the dome of the library, which is made in the form of tulip petals, there is an observatory equipped with a powerful telescope. Also, the Mary Regional Library has its own website, where you can get acquainted with ongoing events and novelties of book production in our country.