Ï The intangible cultural heritage is the center of spiritual and historical experience which reflects the creative evolution of the nation

The intangible cultural heritage is the center of spiritual and historical experience which reflects the creative evolution of the nation

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A valuable stratum of intangible cultural values of the Turkmen people became the defining component of mental identity, which constitutes folklore, handicrafts, carpet weaving, felt matting, jewelry, music and singing art, dances, customs, national architectural and artistic traditions. It is important not only to preserve it for the future generations, but also to carry out a versatile research, gathering together the scattered data by studying, systematizing and archiving it. Such objectives are headed by the Office of the Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, created by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in August 2014 in accordance with the regulation of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Turkmenistan jointed in 2011 year. The organization’s employees actively fulfill the set tasks to identify the cultural elements of the intangible heritage, to explore and promote its preservation and promotion. The Head of Office Jamilya Kurbanova tells about the ongoing work.

- In the capacity of the most important landmarks of cultural area of the state is defined the study and preservation of a wide palette of national art, the intangible cultural heritage. The scientific and methodological activities are aimed to resolve these tasks. The legal framework of the undergone work acts "Law of Turkmenistan on preservation of national intangible cultural heritage", adopted on 28 February 2015. In the same year, in accordance with the Law it was adopted the "State program of collecting, accounting, research and preservation of intangible cultural heritage of Turkmenistan for 2015-2020 years". Specialists of the Office are planning and carrying out their activities in accordance with these regulations.

In our country there are a lot of intangible cultural elements having been little known and not studied because of its extension to a small territorial area, or have lost their actualities or are forgotten. Turkmen traditions, folklore, applied arts are unique in their own identity. Having no analogues in other cultures, they represent us a special value, helping to recreate the picture of the people's life and the life of the historical perspective. To identify the elements of intangible cultural heritage we invite to cooperate to regional representatives. Earlier this year, we organized a seminar for professionals in the field of culture from 80 gengeshliks. Formulated goals and objectives of management activities, we encouraged them to assist in the collection of unique materials. Each participant was given the task not only to identify the elements of intangible cultural heritage in native district, but also to make a complete description, accompanied by photos and video materials.

We are pleasantly surprised by enthusiasm and painstaking work of the voluntary researchers working on spiritual values. We are sent wonderful materials with full descriptions and without exaggeration unique elements of folklore, traditions and customs. We found little-known facts of housekeeping, representing the social and cultural values.

For example, Dadebay Annayev, Director of Local History Museum of gengeshlik named after S.Cherkezov of Gurbansoltan-eje district of Dashoguz region has sent us a full description of the old method of processing sesame oil. This method is used only in two or three households of Dashoguz region. Another example, Charyyar Geldimedov, a guide of the regional museum of Georogly district of Dashoguz region described almost forgotten men’s outdoor game "Pechiz". Gulshat Dzhumayeva of Akdepe district of Dashoguz region has sent us texts and video records on lullaby songs on behalf of the grandmother, mother and sister. A lot of the materials we receive from the places on the secrets of cooking of national dishes from various regions of the country.

All submitted materials are systematized, and are subjected to comparative analysis, and shall be entered in a specially crafted e-catalog which consist of five sections: "Folklore", "Traditions and customs", "National art creativity", "Folk arts and crafts" and "People's knowledge and experience ". On this basis, we plan to create thematic textbooks for schools. In addition, the catalog helps us to identify objects of intangible culture - the potential for inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

In 2015, we have prepared and published a collection of scientific articles of domestic experts on "National aspects of the Turkmen epic art." This year it is prepared publication of a collection which is included articles from foreign epic experts. It will be issued a video of performing the best arts of Destans with its annotations. To promote elements of intangible heritage, we regularly hold national festivals that reflect the colorful palette and diversity of cultural and aesthetic traditions of the Turkmen people in their close connection with spiritual and historical experience.