Ï Meeting as part of a series of online training seminars for volunteers

Meeting as part of a series of online training seminars for volunteers

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Meeting as part of a series of online training seminars for volunteers

The next meeting with the students continued the cycle of training seminars for young people, representatives of the volunteer movement in our country and those wishing to become its participants.

The meeting is organized jointly by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of the country, as well as the National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan.

Through digital video communication, the event brought together students from a number of higher educational institutions of the country - the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, the International University for the Humanities and Development, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, etc.

The lecturer of the training seminar was a teacher of the capital Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov. The attention of the audience was presented to the significant topic of the ecological culture of youth.

In a conversation with students, attention was focused on the importance of understanding the topic under discussion by members of the volunteer movement, as well as the importance of the initiatives of young volunteers to develop and form the environmental culture of young people, their role in promoting respect for nature and care for the environment.

The meeting, first of all, had the character of a lively, interested and constructive dialogue of the participants. It's no secret that today the volunteer movement is widespread in our country. Environmental, as well as social, sports volunteering, active participation in public and charity events - all this is an integral part of the life of representatives of the volunteer movement.

Volunteers conduct various classes for schoolchildren, organize sports competitions, help the older generation with their work, they plant trees, carry out actions to clean up natural areas from garbage, and do many other good and noble deeds.

According to the organizers of training seminars for volunteers, young, always ready to help, guys show a sincere interest in volunteer work and often become the initiators of new targeted projects.

Training seminars for volunteers are traditional events that are held on a regular basis with student youth of the country's universities and cover a wide range of topics related to volunteering in Turkmenistan. Multifaceted work is being carried out as part of the implementation of the State program in the field of youth policy for 2021-2025.

Anastasia Kasyanova