Ï Spring has come - Novruz has come

Spring has come - Novruz has come

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Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Spring has come - Novruz has come
Alexey Gimalitdinov

An exhibition of works by artists of Turkmenistan called «Spring has come - Novruz has come» has been launched at the Fine Arts Exhibition Center of the capital for the Novruz holiday. More than 140 paintings, jewelry, ceramic vessels occupied the first floor of the Center.

Visitors were greeted by an installation of two works by Yagshymyrat Kerimov - «Mountain argali» made of gilded thread, which with surprise examines the blooming flowers on another work "Spring has come", made in the same technique.

And here is the author himself, to whom we immediately asked questions: Why argali? Why openwork? Why golden?

- I have been fond of hunting since childhood, - explains Yagshymyrat, - for me, spring in the foothills of the Kopetdag is an amazing transformation of nature, which is primarily reflected in the mountain argali literally hovering over the rocks. He seems to be weightless, so I depicted him as openwork. And gold, because spring is a fairy tale in spirit, in mood. I decided to share my feelings with the visitors of the exhibition.

The first impression of the exhibition is the priority of landscapes. City landscapes in their paintings were presented by Tamara Kiseleva and Natalya Kalugina. They depict modern Ashgabat - the heart of our Motherland, a city where you want to live happily ever after.

Myratgeldi Gurbangeldiyev presented the landscape of «Karakala»: a ridge of small rounded rocks, against which several Ahal-Teke horses graze. Looking at this picture, Natalya Pavlovna exclaimed: «I know this place! I will definitely write this landscape, but only from a different angle». And to the conversation, she added a fragment from a poem she composed: «The sun will smile at me, since I have lived until spring ...».

In the painting «Spring», which stopped visitors near him for a long time, the artist Erkim Kabulov depicted the landscape in some old manner, with the perspective of an air mass receding into the distance. In style, this approach of rendering the river, surrounded by trees and light fog, is reminiscent of the Barbizon School of Landscape in the 19th century.

By the way, the paintings at the exhibition are replete with a variety of styles. The versatility of our artists, boldly mastering a new, non-traditional vision of the world, cannot but rejoice.

In the style of photorealism,Dovletmyrat Gurtmyradov exhibited the painting «Spring», which depicted a happy kind woman feeding two sparrows from her palm. Joy and trust between the characters of this picture evoke positivity in the viewer.

As if in opposition to the photorealism of Dovletmyrat Gurtmuradov, the exposition of paintings «Abstraction» by Shirin Abayeva. Several works depict either the depths of the sea, or the sky before a thunderstorm. In another painting by Shirin, golden stripes alternate with emerald ones, in all likelihood, reminding viewers of the changeability of the world around us.

An interesting «Still Life» was presented by Orazgylych Ovezov. A home flower made with large masks, surrounded by fruits, is already unusual in terms of the selection of objects. In addition, «Still Life» conveys the fundamental nature of the author, his expression.

And again, on the opposite side of the hall, Kerim Orazberdiyev's painting «Roses» is exhibited. White roses look at the audience as if alive. They rely on their aristocratic beauty, waiting for their finest hour, it is a pity that it will not last long.

Spring is the time of flowering of fruit trees, this amazingly beautiful phenomenon was depicted in the painting «Spring» by Magtymguly Atakov. Magtymguly used acrylic paints, and they helped the author to create the purity, lightness and elegance of flowering trees. Probably, just this tells us that Spring has come, Novruz has come.