Ï The museum fund is replenished

The museum fund is replenished

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The museum fund is replenished

The local population takes an active part in replenishing the storerooms of the museum of folk crafts, located in the ancient building of the Dashmechet madrasah on the territory of the Kunyaurgench State Historical and Cultural Reserve. So, among the latest archaeological finds donated to the museum by local residents are a stone millstone and conical spherical cones for storing mercury. According to preliminary estimates of museum specialists, these finds can be attributed to the Middle Ages. It is interesting that if the millstone had been kept in the family for many years before being transferred to the museum, then the ceramic utensils for mercury, which was widely used in ancient times in medicine and jewelry, were accidentally discovered by a resident of one of the etrap daikhan associations during field work.

Today, the fund of the Museum of Folk Crafts has over seven thousand different exhibits, the oldest of which date back to the 5th-4th centuries BC. Here are unique collections of ethnographic materials that tell about the rich traditions of artistic creativity and traditional handicraft production of Turkmens. At the same time, many of them, which are shards of ceramic dishes, metal fragments of various tools, earrings, rings with an engraved inscription, remnants of a seal and others, mainly related to the medieval period, were collected by the staff of the reserve during various business trips around the territory of Dashoguz velayat or donated to the museum by residents of the region.

Of particular interest to numerous visitors are the cells of the former madrasah, where the atmosphere of handicraft workshops was recreated, in which carpet weavers, embroiderers, jewelers, blacksmiths, carpenters, tanners worked. By the way, among the unique exhibits is a carpet portrait of the amazingly fine handmade work of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Every year the museum is replenished with new finds, which are valuable keepers of ethno-cultural information.