Ï Asian countries develop cooperation for popularization of the heritage of peoples of the region

Asian countries develop cooperation for popularization of the heritage of peoples of the region

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Conference hall of the Museum of Visual Arts of Turkmenistan hosted the session of Asian Committee “Storytelling Art” of Central Asian countries and Repiblic of Korea. Ministry of Culture of our country was the organizer of the meeting with participation of Korean scientists and specialists, national experts of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

The Asian Committee “Storytelling Art” is summoned to promote activation of inter cultural exchange in language and literature sphere under cooperation of Republic of Korea with Turkmenistan and other countries of the Central Asia.

National reviews of study of folklore, establishment of unite base of original works were presented during the session. Special attention was paid to the projects of illustrated fairy tales collections for children in different languages. Brightly designed book “Imagination of Asia” based on famous legends and national epic stories became the first sample of this.

I was mentioned that epic “Gyorogly” included in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is outstanding monument of Turkmen folklore. The preservers of traditions of storytelling are narrators whose performance includes telling stories, singing, vocal improvisations and music accompaniment by national instruments. Proposals for festival competition of storytelling art of Asian countries in order to popularize this rich with traditions original art and new revealed works of epic genre were uttered in this context.

The participants were presented with opportunity to feel high proficiency of Turkmen bakshi - destanchi, who performed the fragments of “ Gyorogly” destan.

The participants of the session had an excursion around the museum and familiarized with works of visual, decorative and applied art.

On the next day, the Library of State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan would host the meeting with Turkmen prose writers and poets writing for children and with illustrators. Children publishing of our country would be presented there as well.

During their visit in the capital, foreign guests would visit State Museum of Turkmenistan Cultural Centre and historical and cultural monument “Ancient Nissa”.