Ï Moscow hosts an exhibition of arts and crafts and museum values of Turkmenistan

Moscow hosts an exhibition of arts and crafts and museum values of Turkmenistan

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Opening the exhibition devoted to the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation, the participants emphasize that the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people is a perpetual value, not only for Turkmens, but also for all humans. Noting the importance of current exhibition, the gathered expresses confidence that it will give an impetus to strengthening dialogue of cultures and peoples and will allow the Russians to know better and may discover new of the history of our country.

The exponents of the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan are presented in one of the halls of the Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art. The exhibition tells the story about our country as one of the centers of world civilization, its unique culture. It holds the work on the study and promotion of priceless national treasure under the patronage of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The President gives a special status of development of Turkmen culture, which is actively integrating into the international community causing a great interest of foreign creators, including Russian ones. In this regard, it is stressed the need to regularly hold such forums because it sets closer relations among peoples.

Visitors of the exhibition cannot remain indifferent, looking at the fascinating creations of our masters - the world-famous Turkmen carpets, beauty and quality which for centuries are synonymous of perfection. With support of simple tools the weavers creates the real masterpieces of art.

Another part of the exhibits is the original on a style, color and trim of the Turkmen clothing made of homespun and silk. Attention of visitors is attracted artfully sewn traditional embroidery of the women's cape - «kürte», «çyrpy», «ýelek», as well as silk scarves of different colors, skullcaps and others. It is represented here and folk musical instruments - dutar gidzhak, tuyduk, their original sound of which impressing listeners.

Turkmen jewelry products are an important part of national culture. Made by zerger a unique women's jewelry is nearly a hundred varieties and is widely known throughout the world. As noted these products are characterized by solidity, a combination of clear symmetric forms floatable lines of ornament. The special color it is given to insertions from carnelian, considered since ancient times a stone that brings happiness, health, prosperity.

Turkmenistan is homeland of conquered the world for its beauty and playfulness of Akhal-Teke horses. Turkmens with special awe refer to the "heavenly" horses as a national heritage. A vivid example of it is the decorations for horses. Richly embroidered carpet and felt blankets and cushions, semi-precious stones and filigree silver frame with harness tanning - all of this being a subject of high folk art, elegantly emphasizes the beauty and are our "heavenly" horses.

In short, multi-millennial history of the Turkmens is captured in these exponents.

Today, the Russian State Library of Foreign Literature hosts a meeting of Turkmenistan culture with Russian colleagues, during which they discuss the possibility of the development of creative, scientific and literary contacts. As noted, the strategy of cultural development of Turkmenistan, the openness of the national culture of human values to all kind and humane play a crucial role in the establishment of the modern image of our country as a progressive state with a rich intellectual and spiritual potential of society.

Speaking about the importance of expanding cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, the participants emphasize that our people have kept not only the cultural values, passed on from generation to generation, but also the friendly relations that have become the foundation of a successful and multifaceted interstate partnership. In this context, the sides exchanged views to work together to study the cultural history of the two peoples in perspective by boosting the library connections.