Ï Dream of a united Turkmen state

Dream of a united Turkmen state

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Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Dream of a united Turkmen state
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The creative team of the National Drama Theater. Alp Arslana greets the participants of the festival with the play “The Way of the Turkmens” based on the play of the same name by Gadam Kakabaev. The play begins with a prologue: the writer's office, where he spends a sleepless night working on manuscripts that reflect the life of many generations of Turkmens.

The performance consists of several independent parts, interconnected by the theme of patriotism. The protagonist of the first part is the famous Bayram Khan. In memory of this just ruler in India, the Honorary Arch of Bairam Khan was erected and still exists.

Turkmenistan and India are rightfully proud of the outstanding son of the Turkmen people, Bairam Khan, a famous statesman, poet, commander, and philosopher. Knowing martial arts well, Bayram Khan preferred to resolve issues through diplomacy, without bloodshed. The people of Turkmenistan erected a monument to their glorious ancestor in the capital's public garden overlooking Magtymguly Avenue.

The theme of the other part of the performance is the fragmentation of the Turkmen tribes and, as a result, intertribal feuds, robber raids from outside. This exhausted the strength of the Turkmen people, who dreamed of a united state of Turkmens. The Turkmens of all tribes were ready to unite, but around whom to unite was a question that was painfully perceived by the leader of each tribe.

Only in the 20th century did the dream of the Turkmens about statehood come true, first as part of a republican union, and 30 years ago Turkmenistan became a sovereign independent state. All this in an artistic form based on stories from the life of the heroes of the performance took place on stage.

The final note was the reading by the writer of the book of our President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov "The State Way of the Turkmens", which very accurately represents the people's aspirations and the realization of the centuries-old dream of the Turkmens, as well as a call for every citizen of Turkmenistan to strengthen our neutral and independent State with their work and talent.

In the epilogue. In the morning, when the writer put an end to his work, his mother entered his office. The son read to her excerpts from his new historical drama.

“That’s how it was, son, and that’s how it is,” the writer’s mother approved of what was written.

The play "The Way of the Turkmen" was staged by Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Khandurdy Berdyev and Batyr Kakabayev. Production designer Mekan Annamuradov managed to create on the stage an atmosphere of different events in the life of the Turkmen people.